( ! ) Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Smarty_Internal_Template::$compiled is deprecated in /disk/service/web/home/blog/bundled-libs/Smarty/libs/sysplugins/smarty_internal_template.php on line 719
Call Stack
10.0001462424{main}( ).../index.php:0
20.0133715944serveIndex( ).../index.php:104
30.0133716920include( '/disk/service/web/home/blog/include/genpage.inc.php ).../functions_routing.inc.php:18
40.09581446432serendipity_smarty_fetch( $block = 'CONTENT', $file = 'content.tpl', $echo = ???, $force_frontend = ??? ).../genpage.inc.php:185
50.09631446528Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase->fetch( $template = 'file:/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/content.tpl', $cache_id = NULL, $compile_id = NULL, $parent = NULL, FALSE ).../functions_smarty.inc.php:81
60.09631446528Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase->_execute( $template = 'file:/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/content.tpl', $cache_id = NULL, $compile_id = NULL, $parent = NULL, $function = 0 ).../smarty_internal_templatebase.php:116
70.09681467656Smarty_Internal_Template->render( $no_output_filter = FALSE, $display = 0 ).../smarty_internal_templatebase.php:232
80.09681467656Smarty_Internal_Template->loadCompiled( $force = TRUE ).../smarty_internal_template.php:214
90.09751468136Smarty_Internal_Template->__set( $property_name = 'compiled', $value = class Smarty_Template_Compiled { public $filepath = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates_c/clean_blog/f4/44/51/f444514883fadd6d1c5f670fbb4f162a71256ad8_0.file.content.tpl.php'; public $timestamp = 1679082596; public $exists = TRUE; public $compile_id = NULL; public $processed = FALSE; public $unifunc = ''; public $has_nocache_code = FALSE; public $file_dependency = []; public $content = NULL; public $includes = []; public $isCache = FALSE; public $nocache_hash = NULL } ).../smarty_internal_template.php:604

( ! ) Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Smarty_Internal_Template::$compiled is deprecated in /disk/service/web/home/blog/bundled-libs/Smarty/libs/sysplugins/smarty_internal_template.php on line 719
Call Stack
10.0001462424{main}( ).../index.php:0
20.0133715944serveIndex( ).../index.php:104
30.0133716920include( '/disk/service/web/home/blog/include/genpage.inc.php ).../functions_routing.inc.php:18
40.0253801864serendipity_printEntries( $entries = [0 => ['orderkey' => NULL, 'id' => '2', 'title' => 'Erster Arbeitstag ', 'timestamp' => '1696453020', 'comments' => '0', 'exflag' => '0', 'authorid' => '1', 'trackbacks' => '0', 'isdraft' => 'false', 'allow_comments' => 'true', 'last_modified' => '1696453020', 'author' => 'Iris', 'loginname' => 'quevexala', 'email' => 'iris@zahlenhexe-blog.now-dns.org', 'body' => 'Erster Arbeitstag nach dem Urlaub. \r\nJetzt wird erst bewusst, dass die Oma nicht mehr da ist. \r\n\r\nMeine Mutter war auch im Laden. \r\n\r\nIch habe ihr gesagt, dass die Oma gestern gestorben ist. \r\n\r\nDie war dann so daneben, dass sie mich gefragt hat ob ich ihr nochmal sagen könnte, wo denn die Haltestelle ist. Und ob es denn hier in der Nähe eine Bank gäbe. \r\n\r\nDabei war sie schon hundert Mal bei dieser Bank und die Haltestelle ist genau gegenüber vom Laden. \r\n\r\nAußerdem hat am Vormittag die Lisa angerufen'..., 'extended' => '', 'categories' => [...], 'properties' => [...]], 1 => ['orderkey' => NULL, 'id' => '3', 'title' => 'Geburtstag. ', 'timestamp' => '1696366800', 'comments' => '0', 'exflag' => '0', 'authorid' => '1', 'trackbacks' => '0', 'isdraft' => 'false', 'allow_comments' => 'false', 'last_modified' => '1696366800', 'author' => 'Iris', 'loginname' => 'quevexala', 'email' => 'iris@zahlenhexe-blog.now-dns.org', 'body' => 'Das war ganz schön anstrengend. \r\n\r\nzuerst angefangen die ganze Urlaubswäsche zu waschen. \r\n\r\nDann habe ich noch die Nägel gemacht und war auf den Punkt um 14:30 fertig. \r\n\r\nLisa hat mich abgeholt und wir sin nach Mannheim zum Hafen49 gefahren. \r\n\r\nVoll das Technofest. War aber sehr cool und lustig. Hat mir gut gefallen. \r\n\r\nAuf dem Heimweg waren wir noch bei MCD. So gegen Mitternacht war ich zu Hause. \r\n\r\nDer Joe hat natürlich schon geschlafen. \r\n\r\nDer wurde dann so gegen 00:30 wach als ich ins Bett ge'..., 'extended' => '', 'categories' => [...], 'properties' => [...]], 2 => ['orderkey' => NULL, 'id' => '4', 'title' => 'Heimreise', 'timestamp' => '1696195080', 'comments' => '0', 'exflag' => '0', 'authorid' => '1', 'trackbacks' => '0', 'isdraft' => 'false', 'allow_comments' => 'true', 'last_modified' => '1696455534', 'author' => 'Iris', 'loginname' => 'quevexala', 'email' => 'iris@zahlenhexe-blog.now-dns.org', 'body' => 'Joe war schon um 6:00 wach und wäre am Liebsten gleich ins Auto gesprungen. \r\n\r\nUm 7:30 sind wir losgefahren. \r\n\r\nAlles ging glatt. \r\n\r\nBis wir in der Schweiz waren. \r\n\r\n<!-- s9ymdb:1 --><img src="https://zahlenhexe-blog.now-dns.org/uploads/Screenshot_20231004_230853_WhatsApp.jpg" >', 'extended' => '', 'categories' => [...], 'properties' => [...]]], $extended = ???, $preview = ???, $smarty_block = ???, $smarty_fetch = ???, $use_hooks = ???, $use_footer = ???, $use_grouped_array = ??? ).../genpage.inc.php:126
50.0803836392serendipity_smarty_fetch( $block = 'ENTRIES', $file = 'entries.tpl', $echo = TRUE, $force_frontend = FALSE ).../functions_entries.inc.php:1358
60.0808836488Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase->fetch( $template = 'file:/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/entries.tpl', $cache_id = NULL, $compile_id = NULL, $parent = NULL, FALSE ).../functions_smarty.inc.php:81
70.0808836488Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase->_execute( $template = 'file:/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/entries.tpl', $cache_id = NULL, $compile_id = NULL, $parent = NULL, $function = 0 ).../smarty_internal_templatebase.php:116
80.0814859000Smarty_Internal_Template->render( $no_output_filter = FALSE, $display = 0 ).../smarty_internal_templatebase.php:232
90.0814859000Smarty_Internal_Template->loadCompiled( $force = TRUE ).../smarty_internal_template.php:214
100.0828859480Smarty_Internal_Template->__set( $property_name = 'compiled', $value = class Smarty_Template_Compiled { public $filepath = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates_c/clean_blog/e3/67/e7/e367e7a3b64f5c3ae0389c9b8b63157dbbe9cfdb_0.file.entries.tpl.php'; public $timestamp = 1679082597; public $exists = TRUE; public $compile_id = NULL; public $processed = FALSE; public $unifunc = ''; public $has_nocache_code = FALSE; public $file_dependency = []; public $content = NULL; public $includes = []; public $isCache = FALSE; public $nocache_hash = NULL } ).../smarty_internal_template.php:604

( ! ) Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Smarty_Internal_Extension_Handler::$_foreach is deprecated in /disk/service/web/home/blog/bundled-libs/Smarty/libs/sysplugins/smarty_internal_extension_handler.php on line 182
Call Stack
10.0001462424{main}( ).../index.php:0
20.0133715944serveIndex( ).../index.php:104
30.0133716920include( '/disk/service/web/home/blog/include/genpage.inc.php ).../functions_routing.inc.php:18
40.0253801864serendipity_printEntries( $entries = [0 => ['orderkey' => NULL, 'id' => '2', 'title' => 'Erster Arbeitstag ', 'timestamp' => '1696453020', 'comments' => '0', 'exflag' => '0', 'authorid' => '1', 'trackbacks' => '0', 'isdraft' => 'false', 'allow_comments' => 'true', 'last_modified' => '1696453020', 'author' => 'Iris', 'loginname' => 'quevexala', 'email' => 'iris@zahlenhexe-blog.now-dns.org', 'body' => 'Erster Arbeitstag nach dem Urlaub. \r\nJetzt wird erst bewusst, dass die Oma nicht mehr da ist. \r\n\r\nMeine Mutter war auch im Laden. \r\n\r\nIch habe ihr gesagt, dass die Oma gestern gestorben ist. \r\n\r\nDie war dann so daneben, dass sie mich gefragt hat ob ich ihr nochmal sagen könnte, wo denn die Haltestelle ist. Und ob es denn hier in der Nähe eine Bank gäbe. \r\n\r\nDabei war sie schon hundert Mal bei dieser Bank und die Haltestelle ist genau gegenüber vom Laden. \r\n\r\nAußerdem hat am Vormittag die Lisa angerufen'..., 'extended' => '', 'categories' => [...], 'properties' => [...]], 1 => ['orderkey' => NULL, 'id' => '3', 'title' => 'Geburtstag. ', 'timestamp' => '1696366800', 'comments' => '0', 'exflag' => '0', 'authorid' => '1', 'trackbacks' => '0', 'isdraft' => 'false', 'allow_comments' => 'false', 'last_modified' => '1696366800', 'author' => 'Iris', 'loginname' => 'quevexala', 'email' => 'iris@zahlenhexe-blog.now-dns.org', 'body' => 'Das war ganz schön anstrengend. \r\n\r\nzuerst angefangen die ganze Urlaubswäsche zu waschen. \r\n\r\nDann habe ich noch die Nägel gemacht und war auf den Punkt um 14:30 fertig. \r\n\r\nLisa hat mich abgeholt und wir sin nach Mannheim zum Hafen49 gefahren. \r\n\r\nVoll das Technofest. War aber sehr cool und lustig. Hat mir gut gefallen. \r\n\r\nAuf dem Heimweg waren wir noch bei MCD. So gegen Mitternacht war ich zu Hause. \r\n\r\nDer Joe hat natürlich schon geschlafen. \r\n\r\nDer wurde dann so gegen 00:30 wach als ich ins Bett ge'..., 'extended' => '', 'categories' => [...], 'properties' => [...]], 2 => ['orderkey' => NULL, 'id' => '4', 'title' => 'Heimreise', 'timestamp' => '1696195080', 'comments' => '0', 'exflag' => '0', 'authorid' => '1', 'trackbacks' => '0', 'isdraft' => 'false', 'allow_comments' => 'true', 'last_modified' => '1696455534', 'author' => 'Iris', 'loginname' => 'quevexala', 'email' => 'iris@zahlenhexe-blog.now-dns.org', 'body' => 'Joe war schon um 6:00 wach und wäre am Liebsten gleich ins Auto gesprungen. \r\n\r\nUm 7:30 sind wir losgefahren. \r\n\r\nAlles ging glatt. \r\n\r\nBis wir in der Schweiz waren. \r\n\r\n<!-- s9ymdb:1 --><img src="https://zahlenhexe-blog.now-dns.org/uploads/Screenshot_20231004_230853_WhatsApp.jpg" >', 'extended' => '', 'categories' => [...], 'properties' => [...]]], $extended = ???, $preview = ???, $smarty_block = ???, $smarty_fetch = ???, $use_hooks = ???, $use_footer = ???, $use_grouped_array = ??? ).../genpage.inc.php:126
50.0803836392serendipity_smarty_fetch( $block = 'ENTRIES', $file = 'entries.tpl', $echo = TRUE, $force_frontend = FALSE ).../functions_entries.inc.php:1358
60.0808836488Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase->fetch( $template = 'file:/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/entries.tpl', $cache_id = NULL, $compile_id = NULL, $parent = NULL, FALSE ).../functions_smarty.inc.php:81
70.0808836488Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase->_execute( $template = 'file:/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/entries.tpl', $cache_id = NULL, $compile_id = NULL, $parent = NULL, $function = 0 ).../smarty_internal_templatebase.php:116
80.0814859000Smarty_Internal_Template->render( $no_output_filter = FALSE, $display = 0 ).../smarty_internal_templatebase.php:232
90.0830861560Smarty_Template_Compiled->render( $_template = class Smarty_Internal_Template { public $_objType = 2; public $template_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Template'; public $tpl_vars = ['SCRIPT_NAME' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_charset' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_version' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_title' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_subtitle' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_link_stylesheet' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_link_script' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_link_stylesheet_frontend' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_xhtml' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'use_popups' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'use_backendpopups' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'force_backendpopups' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_embedded' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_raw_mode' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_logged_in' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'entry_id' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_single_entry' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'blogTitle' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'blogSubTitle' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'blogDescription' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityHTTPPath' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityDefaultBaseURL' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityBaseURL' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityRewritePrefix' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityIndexFile' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityVersion' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'lang' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'category' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'category_info' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'template' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'template_backend' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'wysiwygToolbar' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'wysiwyg_customPlugin' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'wysiwyg_customConfig' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'use_autosave' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'dateRange' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'archiveURL' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'navlinks' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'template_option' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'startpage' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'uriargs' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'view' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'viewtype' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'leftSidebarElements' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'rightSidebarElements' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_prev_page' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_totalEntries' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_totalPages' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_currentPage' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_pageLink' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_info' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_next_page' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'entries' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_preview' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }]; 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public $locking_timeout = 10; public $default_resource_type = 'file'; public $caching_type = 'file'; public $default_config_type = 'file'; public $cache_modified_check = FALSE; public $registered_plugins = [...]; public $registered_objects = [...]; public $registered_classes = [...]; public $registered_filters = [...]; public $registered_resources = [...]; public $registered_cache_resources = [...]; public $autoload_filters = [...]; public $default_modifiers = [...]; public $escape_html = FALSE; public $start_time = 1726578055.0919; public $_current_file = NULL; public $_parserdebug = FALSE; public $_debug = NULL; protected $template_dir = [...]; protected $_processedTemplateDir = [...]; protected $config_dir = [...]; protected $_processedConfigDir = [...]; protected $compile_dir = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates_c/'; protected $plugins_dir = [...]; protected $cache_dir = './cache/'; protected $obsoleteProperties = [...]; protected $accessMap = [...]; public $security_settings = FALSE }; public $config_vars = []; public $ext = class Smarty_Internal_Extension_Handler { public $objType = 2; private $_property_info = [...]; private $resolvedProperties = [...] }; public $cache_id = NULL; public $compile_id = 'clean-blog'; public $caching = 0; public $compile_check = 1; public $cache_lifetime = 3600; public $tplFunctions = []; public $_cache = []; public $smarty = class Serendipity_Smarty { public $_objType = 1; public $template_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Template'; public $tpl_vars = [...]; public $parent = NULL; public $config_vars = [...]; public $ext = class Smarty_Internal_Extension_Handler { ... }; public $cache_id = NULL; public $compile_id = 'clean-blog'; public $caching = 0; public $compile_check = TRUE; public $cache_lifetime = 3600; public $tplFunctions = [...]; public $_cache = [...]; public $auto_literal = TRUE; public $error_unassigned = FALSE; public $use_include_path = FALSE; public $_templateDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_joined_template_dir = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/#/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/2k11/#/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/2k11/#/disk/service/web/home/blog/plugins/#/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/default/'; public $_configDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_joined_config_dir = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/'; public $default_template_handler_func = NULL; public $default_config_handler_func = NULL; public $default_plugin_handler_func = NULL; public $_compileDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_pluginsDirNormalized = FALSE; public $_cacheDirNormalized = FALSE; public $force_compile = FALSE; public $use_sub_dirs = TRUE; public $allow_ambiguous_resources = FALSE; public $merge_compiled_includes = FALSE; public $extends_recursion = TRUE; public $force_cache = FALSE; public $left_delimiter = '{'; public $right_delimiter = '}'; public $literals = [...]; public $security_class = 'Smarty_Security'; public $security_policy = class Serendipity_Smarty_Security_Policy { ... }; public $php_handling = 0; public $allow_php_templates = FALSE; public $debugging = FALSE; public $debugging_ctrl = 'NONE'; public $smarty_debug_id = 'SMARTY_DEBUG'; public $debug_tpl = NULL; public $error_reporting = 30711; public $config_overwrite = TRUE; public $config_booleanize = TRUE; public $config_read_hidden = FALSE; public $compile_locking = TRUE; public $cache_locking = FALSE; public $locking_timeout = 10; public $default_resource_type = 'file'; public $caching_type = 'file'; public $default_config_type = 'file'; public $cache_modified_check = FALSE; public $registered_plugins = [...]; public $registered_objects = [...]; public $registered_classes = [...]; public $registered_filters = [...]; public $registered_resources = [...]; public $registered_cache_resources = [...]; public $autoload_filters = [...]; public $default_modifiers = [...]; public $escape_html = FALSE; public $start_time = 1726578055.0919; public $_current_file = NULL; public $_parserdebug = FALSE; public $_debug = NULL; protected $template_dir = [...]; protected $_processedTemplateDir = [...]; protected $config_dir = [...]; protected $_processedConfigDir = [...]; protected $compile_dir = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates_c/'; 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public $inheritance = NULL; public $template_resource = 'file:/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/entries.tpl'; public $mustCompile = FALSE; public $templateId = 'f5f92184c6214909fdcc1c1e0640e52321ef9169'; public $scope = 0; public $isRenderingCache = FALSE; public $startRenderCallbacks = [0 => [...]]; public $endRenderCallbacks = [0 => [...]]; public $compiled = class Smarty_Template_Compiled { public $filepath = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates_c/clean_blog/e3/67/e7/e367e7a3b64f5c3ae0389c9b8b63157dbbe9cfdb_0.file.entries.tpl.php'; public $timestamp = 1679082597; public $exists = TRUE; public $compile_id = NULL; public $processed = TRUE; public $unifunc = 'content_6414c464f160f6_62653639'; public $has_nocache_code = FALSE; public $file_dependency = [...]; public $content = NULL; public $includes = [...]; public $isCache = FALSE; public $nocache_hash = NULL } } ).../smarty_internal_template.php:216
100.0830861560Smarty_Template_Resource_Base->getRenderedTemplateCode( $_template = class Smarty_Internal_Template { public $_objType = 2; public $template_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Template'; public $tpl_vars = ['SCRIPT_NAME' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_charset' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_version' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_title' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_subtitle' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_link_stylesheet' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_link_script' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_link_stylesheet_frontend' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_xhtml' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'use_popups' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'use_backendpopups' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'force_backendpopups' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_embedded' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_raw_mode' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_logged_in' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'entry_id' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_single_entry' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'blogTitle' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'blogSubTitle' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'blogDescription' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityHTTPPath' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityDefaultBaseURL' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityBaseURL' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityRewritePrefix' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityIndexFile' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityVersion' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'lang' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'category' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'category_info' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'template' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'template_backend' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'wysiwygToolbar' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'wysiwyg_customPlugin' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'wysiwyg_customConfig' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'use_autosave' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'dateRange' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'archiveURL' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'navlinks' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'template_option' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'startpage' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'uriargs' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'view' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'viewtype' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'leftSidebarElements' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'rightSidebarElements' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_prev_page' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_totalEntries' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_totalPages' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_currentPage' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_pageLink' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_info' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_next_page' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'entries' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_preview' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }]; public $parent = class Serendipity_Smarty { public $_objType = 1; public $template_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Template'; public $tpl_vars = [...]; public $parent = NULL; public $config_vars = [...]; public $ext = class Smarty_Internal_Extension_Handler { ... }; public $cache_id = NULL; public $compile_id = 'clean-blog'; public $caching = 0; public $compile_check = TRUE; public $cache_lifetime = 3600; public $tplFunctions = [...]; public $_cache = [...]; public $auto_literal = TRUE; public $error_unassigned = FALSE; public $use_include_path = FALSE; public $_templateDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_joined_template_dir = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/#/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/2k11/#/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/2k11/#/disk/service/web/home/blog/plugins/#/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/default/'; public $_configDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_joined_config_dir = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/'; public $default_template_handler_func = NULL; public $default_config_handler_func = NULL; public $default_plugin_handler_func = NULL; public $_compileDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_pluginsDirNormalized = FALSE; public $_cacheDirNormalized = FALSE; public $force_compile = FALSE; public $use_sub_dirs = TRUE; public $allow_ambiguous_resources = FALSE; public $merge_compiled_includes = FALSE; public $extends_recursion = TRUE; public $force_cache = FALSE; public $left_delimiter = '{'; public $right_delimiter = '}'; public $literals = [...]; public $security_class = 'Smarty_Security'; public $security_policy = class Serendipity_Smarty_Security_Policy { ... }; public $php_handling = 0; public $allow_php_templates = FALSE; public $debugging = FALSE; public $debugging_ctrl = 'NONE'; public $smarty_debug_id = 'SMARTY_DEBUG'; public $debug_tpl = NULL; public $error_reporting = 30711; public $config_overwrite = TRUE; public $config_booleanize = TRUE; public $config_read_hidden = FALSE; public $compile_locking = TRUE; public $cache_locking = FALSE; public $locking_timeout = 10; public $default_resource_type = 'file'; public $caching_type = 'file'; public $default_config_type = 'file'; public $cache_modified_check = FALSE; public $registered_plugins = [...]; public $registered_objects = [...]; public $registered_classes = [...]; public $registered_filters = [...]; public $registered_resources = [...]; public $registered_cache_resources = [...]; public $autoload_filters = [...]; public $default_modifiers = [...]; public $escape_html = FALSE; public $start_time = 1726578055.0919; public $_current_file = NULL; public $_parserdebug = FALSE; public $_debug = NULL; protected $template_dir = [...]; protected $_processedTemplateDir = [...]; protected $config_dir = [...]; protected $_processedConfigDir = [...]; protected $compile_dir = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates_c/'; protected $plugins_dir = [...]; protected $cache_dir = './cache/'; protected $obsoleteProperties = [...]; protected $accessMap = [...]; public $security_settings = FALSE }; public $config_vars = []; public $ext = class Smarty_Internal_Extension_Handler { public $objType = 2; private $_property_info = [...]; private $resolvedProperties = [...] }; public $cache_id = NULL; public $compile_id = 'clean-blog'; public $caching = 0; public $compile_check = 1; public $cache_lifetime = 3600; public $tplFunctions = []; public $_cache = []; public $smarty = class Serendipity_Smarty { public $_objType = 1; public $template_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Template'; public $tpl_vars = [...]; public $parent = NULL; public $config_vars = [...]; public $ext = class Smarty_Internal_Extension_Handler { ... }; public $cache_id = NULL; public $compile_id = 'clean-blog'; public $caching = 0; public $compile_check = TRUE; public $cache_lifetime = 3600; public $tplFunctions = [...]; public $_cache = [...]; public $auto_literal = TRUE; public $error_unassigned = FALSE; public $use_include_path = FALSE; public $_templateDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_joined_template_dir = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/#/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/2k11/#/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/2k11/#/disk/service/web/home/blog/plugins/#/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/default/'; public $_configDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_joined_config_dir = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/'; public $default_template_handler_func = NULL; public $default_config_handler_func = NULL; public $default_plugin_handler_func = NULL; public $_compileDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_pluginsDirNormalized = FALSE; public $_cacheDirNormalized = FALSE; public $force_compile = FALSE; public $use_sub_dirs = TRUE; public $allow_ambiguous_resources = FALSE; public $merge_compiled_includes = FALSE; public $extends_recursion = TRUE; public $force_cache = FALSE; public $left_delimiter = '{'; public $right_delimiter = '}'; public $literals = [...]; public $security_class = 'Smarty_Security'; public $security_policy = class Serendipity_Smarty_Security_Policy { ... }; public $php_handling = 0; public $allow_php_templates = FALSE; public $debugging = FALSE; public $debugging_ctrl = 'NONE'; public $smarty_debug_id = 'SMARTY_DEBUG'; public $debug_tpl = NULL; public $error_reporting = 30711; public $config_overwrite = TRUE; public $config_booleanize = TRUE; public $config_read_hidden = FALSE; public $compile_locking = TRUE; public $cache_locking = FALSE; public $locking_timeout = 10; public $default_resource_type = 'file'; public $caching_type = 'file'; public $default_config_type = 'file'; public $cache_modified_check = FALSE; public $registered_plugins = [...]; public $registered_objects = [...]; public $registered_classes = [...]; public $registered_filters = [...]; public $registered_resources = [...]; public $registered_cache_resources = [...]; public $autoload_filters = [...]; public $default_modifiers = [...]; public $escape_html = FALSE; public $start_time = 1726578055.0919; public $_current_file = NULL; public $_parserdebug = FALSE; public $_debug = NULL; protected $template_dir = [...]; protected $_processedTemplateDir = [...]; protected $config_dir = [...]; protected $_processedConfigDir = [...]; protected $compile_dir = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates_c/'; protected $plugins_dir = [...]; protected $cache_dir = './cache/'; protected $obsoleteProperties = [...]; protected $accessMap = [...]; public $security_settings = FALSE }; public $source = class Smarty_Template_Source { public $uid = 'e367e7a3b64f5c3ae0389c9b8b63157dbbe9cfdb'; public $resource = 'file:/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/entries.tpl'; public $type = 'file'; public $name = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/entries.tpl'; public $filepath = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/entries.tpl'; public $timestamp = 1668954007; public $exists = TRUE; public $basename = NULL; public $components = NULL; public $handler = class Smarty_Internal_Resource_File { ... }; public $smarty = class Serendipity_Smarty { ... }; public $isConfig = FALSE; public $content = NULL; public $compiler_class = 'Smarty_Internal_SmartyTemplateCompiler'; public $template_lexer_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Templatelexer'; public $template_parser_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Templateparser' }; public $inheritance = NULL; public $template_resource = 'file:/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/entries.tpl'; public $mustCompile = FALSE; public $templateId = 'f5f92184c6214909fdcc1c1e0640e52321ef9169'; public $scope = 0; public $isRenderingCache = FALSE; public $startRenderCallbacks = [0 => [...]]; public $endRenderCallbacks = [0 => [...]]; public $compiled = class Smarty_Template_Compiled { public $filepath = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates_c/clean_blog/e3/67/e7/e367e7a3b64f5c3ae0389c9b8b63157dbbe9cfdb_0.file.entries.tpl.php'; public $timestamp = 1679082597; public $exists = TRUE; public $compile_id = NULL; public $processed = TRUE; public $unifunc = 'content_6414c464f160f6_62653639'; public $has_nocache_code = FALSE; public $file_dependency = [...]; public $content = NULL; public $includes = [...]; public $isCache = FALSE; public $nocache_hash = NULL } }, $unifunc = ??? ).../smarty_template_compiled.php:114
110.0830861560content_6414c464f160f6_62653639( $_smarty_tpl = class Smarty_Internal_Template { public $_objType = 2; public $template_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Template'; public $tpl_vars = ['SCRIPT_NAME' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_charset' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_version' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_title' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_subtitle' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_link_stylesheet' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_link_script' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_link_stylesheet_frontend' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_xhtml' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'use_popups' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'use_backendpopups' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'force_backendpopups' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_embedded' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_raw_mode' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_logged_in' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'entry_id' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_single_entry' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'blogTitle' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'blogSubTitle' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'blogDescription' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityHTTPPath' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityDefaultBaseURL' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityBaseURL' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityRewritePrefix' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityIndexFile' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityVersion' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'lang' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'category' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'category_info' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'template' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'template_backend' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'wysiwygToolbar' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'wysiwyg_customPlugin' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'wysiwyg_customConfig' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'use_autosave' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'dateRange' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'archiveURL' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'navlinks' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'template_option' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'startpage' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'uriargs' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'view' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'viewtype' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'leftSidebarElements' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'rightSidebarElements' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_prev_page' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_totalEntries' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_totalPages' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_currentPage' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_pageLink' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_info' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_next_page' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'entries' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_preview' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }]; public $parent = class Serendipity_Smarty { public $_objType = 1; public $template_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Template'; public $tpl_vars = [...]; public $parent = NULL; public $config_vars = [...]; public $ext = class Smarty_Internal_Extension_Handler { ... }; public $cache_id = NULL; public $compile_id = 'clean-blog'; public $caching = 0; public $compile_check = TRUE; public $cache_lifetime = 3600; public $tplFunctions = [...]; public $_cache = [...]; public $auto_literal = TRUE; public $error_unassigned = FALSE; public $use_include_path = FALSE; public $_templateDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_joined_template_dir = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/#/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/2k11/#/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/2k11/#/disk/service/web/home/blog/plugins/#/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/default/'; public $_configDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_joined_config_dir = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/'; public $default_template_handler_func = NULL; public $default_config_handler_func = NULL; public $default_plugin_handler_func = NULL; public $_compileDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_pluginsDirNormalized = FALSE; public $_cacheDirNormalized = FALSE; public $force_compile = FALSE; public $use_sub_dirs = TRUE; public $allow_ambiguous_resources = FALSE; public $merge_compiled_includes = FALSE; public $extends_recursion = TRUE; public $force_cache = FALSE; public $left_delimiter = '{'; public $right_delimiter = '}'; public $literals = [...]; public $security_class = 'Smarty_Security'; public $security_policy = class Serendipity_Smarty_Security_Policy { ... }; public $php_handling = 0; public $allow_php_templates = FALSE; public $debugging = FALSE; public $debugging_ctrl = 'NONE'; public $smarty_debug_id = 'SMARTY_DEBUG'; public $debug_tpl = NULL; public $error_reporting = 30711; public $config_overwrite = TRUE; public $config_booleanize = TRUE; public $config_read_hidden = FALSE; public $compile_locking = TRUE; public $cache_locking = FALSE; public $locking_timeout = 10; public $default_resource_type = 'file'; public $caching_type = 'file'; public $default_config_type = 'file'; public $cache_modified_check = FALSE; public $registered_plugins = [...]; public $registered_objects = [...]; public $registered_classes = [...]; public $registered_filters = [...]; public $registered_resources = [...]; public $registered_cache_resources = [...]; public $autoload_filters = [...]; public $default_modifiers = [...]; public $escape_html = FALSE; public $start_time = 1726578055.0919; public $_current_file = NULL; public $_parserdebug = FALSE; public $_debug = NULL; protected $template_dir = [...]; protected $_processedTemplateDir = [...]; protected $config_dir = [...]; protected $_processedConfigDir = [...]; protected $compile_dir = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates_c/'; protected $plugins_dir = [...]; protected $cache_dir = './cache/'; protected $obsoleteProperties = [...]; protected $accessMap = [...]; public $security_settings = FALSE }; public $config_vars = []; public $ext = class Smarty_Internal_Extension_Handler { public $objType = 2; private $_property_info = [...]; private $resolvedProperties = [...] }; public $cache_id = NULL; public $compile_id = 'clean-blog'; public $caching = 0; public $compile_check = 1; public $cache_lifetime = 3600; public $tplFunctions = []; public $_cache = []; public $smarty = class Serendipity_Smarty { public $_objType = 1; public $template_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Template'; public $tpl_vars = [...]; public $parent = NULL; public $config_vars = [...]; public $ext = class Smarty_Internal_Extension_Handler { ... }; public $cache_id = NULL; public $compile_id = 'clean-blog'; public $caching = 0; public $compile_check = TRUE; public $cache_lifetime = 3600; public $tplFunctions = [...]; public $_cache = [...]; public $auto_literal = TRUE; public $error_unassigned = FALSE; public $use_include_path = FALSE; public $_templateDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_joined_template_dir = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/#/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/2k11/#/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/2k11/#/disk/service/web/home/blog/plugins/#/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/default/'; public $_configDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_joined_config_dir = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/'; public $default_template_handler_func = NULL; public $default_config_handler_func = NULL; public $default_plugin_handler_func = NULL; public $_compileDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_pluginsDirNormalized = FALSE; public $_cacheDirNormalized = FALSE; public $force_compile = FALSE; public $use_sub_dirs = TRUE; public $allow_ambiguous_resources = FALSE; public $merge_compiled_includes = FALSE; public $extends_recursion = TRUE; public $force_cache = FALSE; public $left_delimiter = '{'; public $right_delimiter = '}'; public $literals = [...]; public $security_class = 'Smarty_Security'; public $security_policy = class Serendipity_Smarty_Security_Policy { ... }; public $php_handling = 0; public $allow_php_templates = FALSE; public $debugging = FALSE; public $debugging_ctrl = 'NONE'; public $smarty_debug_id = 'SMARTY_DEBUG'; public $debug_tpl = NULL; public $error_reporting = 30711; public $config_overwrite = TRUE; public $config_booleanize = TRUE; public $config_read_hidden = FALSE; public $compile_locking = TRUE; public $cache_locking = FALSE; public $locking_timeout = 10; public $default_resource_type = 'file'; public $caching_type = 'file'; public $default_config_type = 'file'; public $cache_modified_check = FALSE; public $registered_plugins = [...]; public $registered_objects = [...]; public $registered_classes = [...]; public $registered_filters = [...]; public $registered_resources = [...]; public $registered_cache_resources = [...]; public $autoload_filters = [...]; public $default_modifiers = [...]; public $escape_html = FALSE; public $start_time = 1726578055.0919; public $_current_file = NULL; public $_parserdebug = FALSE; public $_debug = NULL; protected $template_dir = [...]; protected $_processedTemplateDir = [...]; protected $config_dir = [...]; protected $_processedConfigDir = [...]; protected $compile_dir = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates_c/'; protected $plugins_dir = [...]; protected $cache_dir = './cache/'; protected $obsoleteProperties = [...]; protected $accessMap = [...]; public $security_settings = FALSE }; public $source = class Smarty_Template_Source { public $uid = 'e367e7a3b64f5c3ae0389c9b8b63157dbbe9cfdb'; public $resource = 'file:/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/entries.tpl'; public $type = 'file'; public $name = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/entries.tpl'; public $filepath = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/entries.tpl'; public $timestamp = 1668954007; public $exists = TRUE; public $basename = NULL; public $components = NULL; public $handler = class Smarty_Internal_Resource_File { ... }; public $smarty = class Serendipity_Smarty { ... }; public $isConfig = FALSE; public $content = NULL; public $compiler_class = 'Smarty_Internal_SmartyTemplateCompiler'; public $template_lexer_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Templatelexer'; public $template_parser_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Templateparser' }; public $inheritance = NULL; public $template_resource = 'file:/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/entries.tpl'; public $mustCompile = FALSE; public $templateId = 'f5f92184c6214909fdcc1c1e0640e52321ef9169'; public $scope = 0; public $isRenderingCache = FALSE; public $startRenderCallbacks = [0 => [...]]; public $endRenderCallbacks = [0 => [...]]; public $compiled = class Smarty_Template_Compiled { public $filepath = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates_c/clean_blog/e3/67/e7/e367e7a3b64f5c3ae0389c9b8b63157dbbe9cfdb_0.file.entries.tpl.php'; public $timestamp = 1679082597; public $exists = TRUE; public $compile_id = NULL; public $processed = TRUE; public $unifunc = 'content_6414c464f160f6_62653639'; public $has_nocache_code = FALSE; public $file_dependency = [...]; public $content = NULL; public $includes = [...]; public $isCache = FALSE; public $nocache_hash = NULL } } ).../smarty_template_resource_base.php:123
120.0837862752Smarty_Internal_Extension_Handler->__get( $property_name = '_foreach' ).../e367e7a3b64f5c3ae0389c9b8b63157dbbe9cfdb_0.file.entries.tpl.php:28
130.0843862992Smarty_Internal_Extension_Handler->__set( $property_name = '_foreach', $value = class Smarty_Internal_Runtime_Foreach { private $stack = [] } ).../smarty_internal_extension_handler.php:170

( ! ) Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Smarty_Variable::$do_else is deprecated in /disk/service/web/home/blog/templates_c/clean_blog/e3/67/e7/e367e7a3b64f5c3ae0389c9b8b63157dbbe9cfdb_0.file.entries.tpl.php on line 29
Call Stack
10.0001462424{main}( ).../index.php:0
20.0133715944serveIndex( ).../index.php:104
30.0133716920include( '/disk/service/web/home/blog/include/genpage.inc.php ).../functions_routing.inc.php:18
40.0253801864serendipity_printEntries( $entries = [0 => ['orderkey' => NULL, 'id' => '2', 'title' => 'Erster Arbeitstag ', 'timestamp' => '1696453020', 'comments' => '0', 'exflag' => '0', 'authorid' => '1', 'trackbacks' => '0', 'isdraft' => 'false', 'allow_comments' => 'true', 'last_modified' => '1696453020', 'author' => 'Iris', 'loginname' => 'quevexala', 'email' => 'iris@zahlenhexe-blog.now-dns.org', 'body' => 'Erster Arbeitstag nach dem Urlaub. \r\nJetzt wird erst bewusst, dass die Oma nicht mehr da ist. \r\n\r\nMeine Mutter war auch im Laden. \r\n\r\nIch habe ihr gesagt, dass die Oma gestern gestorben ist. \r\n\r\nDie war dann so daneben, dass sie mich gefragt hat ob ich ihr nochmal sagen könnte, wo denn die Haltestelle ist. Und ob es denn hier in der Nähe eine Bank gäbe. \r\n\r\nDabei war sie schon hundert Mal bei dieser Bank und die Haltestelle ist genau gegenüber vom Laden. \r\n\r\nAußerdem hat am Vormittag die Lisa angerufen'..., 'extended' => '', 'categories' => [...], 'properties' => [...]], 1 => ['orderkey' => NULL, 'id' => '3', 'title' => 'Geburtstag. ', 'timestamp' => '1696366800', 'comments' => '0', 'exflag' => '0', 'authorid' => '1', 'trackbacks' => '0', 'isdraft' => 'false', 'allow_comments' => 'false', 'last_modified' => '1696366800', 'author' => 'Iris', 'loginname' => 'quevexala', 'email' => 'iris@zahlenhexe-blog.now-dns.org', 'body' => 'Das war ganz schön anstrengend. \r\n\r\nzuerst angefangen die ganze Urlaubswäsche zu waschen. \r\n\r\nDann habe ich noch die Nägel gemacht und war auf den Punkt um 14:30 fertig. \r\n\r\nLisa hat mich abgeholt und wir sin nach Mannheim zum Hafen49 gefahren. \r\n\r\nVoll das Technofest. War aber sehr cool und lustig. Hat mir gut gefallen. \r\n\r\nAuf dem Heimweg waren wir noch bei MCD. So gegen Mitternacht war ich zu Hause. \r\n\r\nDer Joe hat natürlich schon geschlafen. \r\n\r\nDer wurde dann so gegen 00:30 wach als ich ins Bett ge'..., 'extended' => '', 'categories' => [...], 'properties' => [...]], 2 => ['orderkey' => NULL, 'id' => '4', 'title' => 'Heimreise', 'timestamp' => '1696195080', 'comments' => '0', 'exflag' => '0', 'authorid' => '1', 'trackbacks' => '0', 'isdraft' => 'false', 'allow_comments' => 'true', 'last_modified' => '1696455534', 'author' => 'Iris', 'loginname' => 'quevexala', 'email' => 'iris@zahlenhexe-blog.now-dns.org', 'body' => 'Joe war schon um 6:00 wach und wäre am Liebsten gleich ins Auto gesprungen. \r\n\r\nUm 7:30 sind wir losgefahren. \r\n\r\nAlles ging glatt. \r\n\r\nBis wir in der Schweiz waren. \r\n\r\n<!-- s9ymdb:1 --><img src="https://zahlenhexe-blog.now-dns.org/uploads/Screenshot_20231004_230853_WhatsApp.jpg" >', 'extended' => '', 'categories' => [...], 'properties' => [...]]], $extended = ???, $preview = ???, $smarty_block = ???, $smarty_fetch = ???, $use_hooks = ???, $use_footer = ???, $use_grouped_array = ??? ).../genpage.inc.php:126
50.0803836392serendipity_smarty_fetch( $block = 'ENTRIES', $file = 'entries.tpl', $echo = TRUE, $force_frontend = FALSE ).../functions_entries.inc.php:1358
60.0808836488Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase->fetch( $template = 'file:/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/entries.tpl', $cache_id = NULL, $compile_id = NULL, $parent = NULL, FALSE ).../functions_smarty.inc.php:81
70.0808836488Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase->_execute( $template = 'file:/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/entries.tpl', $cache_id = NULL, $compile_id = NULL, $parent = NULL, $function = 0 ).../smarty_internal_templatebase.php:116
80.0814859000Smarty_Internal_Template->render( $no_output_filter = FALSE, $display = 0 ).../smarty_internal_templatebase.php:232
90.0830861560Smarty_Template_Compiled->render( $_template = class Smarty_Internal_Template { public $_objType = 2; public $template_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Template'; public $tpl_vars = ['SCRIPT_NAME' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_charset' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_version' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_title' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_subtitle' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_link_stylesheet' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_link_script' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_link_stylesheet_frontend' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_xhtml' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'use_popups' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'use_backendpopups' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'force_backendpopups' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_embedded' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_raw_mode' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_logged_in' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'entry_id' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_single_entry' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'blogTitle' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'blogSubTitle' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'blogDescription' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityHTTPPath' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityDefaultBaseURL' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityBaseURL' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityRewritePrefix' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityIndexFile' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityVersion' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'lang' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'category' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'category_info' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'template' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'template_backend' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'wysiwygToolbar' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'wysiwyg_customPlugin' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'wysiwyg_customConfig' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'use_autosave' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'dateRange' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'archiveURL' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'navlinks' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'template_option' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'startpage' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'uriargs' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'view' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'viewtype' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'leftSidebarElements' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'rightSidebarElements' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_prev_page' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_totalEntries' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_totalPages' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_currentPage' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_pageLink' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_info' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_next_page' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'entries' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_preview' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'dategroup' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }]; 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100.0830861560Smarty_Template_Resource_Base->getRenderedTemplateCode( $_template = class Smarty_Internal_Template { public $_objType = 2; public $template_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Template'; public $tpl_vars = ['SCRIPT_NAME' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_charset' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_version' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_title' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_subtitle' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_link_stylesheet' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_link_script' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_link_stylesheet_frontend' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_xhtml' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'use_popups' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'use_backendpopups' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'force_backendpopups' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_embedded' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_raw_mode' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_logged_in' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'entry_id' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_single_entry' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'blogTitle' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'blogSubTitle' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'blogDescription' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityHTTPPath' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityDefaultBaseURL' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityBaseURL' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityRewritePrefix' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityIndexFile' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityVersion' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'lang' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'category' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'category_info' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'template' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'template_backend' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'wysiwygToolbar' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'wysiwyg_customPlugin' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'wysiwyg_customConfig' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'use_autosave' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'dateRange' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'archiveURL' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'navlinks' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'template_option' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'startpage' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'uriargs' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'view' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'viewtype' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'leftSidebarElements' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'rightSidebarElements' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_prev_page' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_totalEntries' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_totalPages' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_currentPage' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_pageLink' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_info' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_next_page' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'entries' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_preview' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'dategroup' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }]; 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protected $plugins_dir = [...]; protected $cache_dir = './cache/'; protected $obsoleteProperties = [...]; protected $accessMap = [...]; public $security_settings = FALSE }; public $source = class Smarty_Template_Source { public $uid = 'e367e7a3b64f5c3ae0389c9b8b63157dbbe9cfdb'; public $resource = 'file:/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/entries.tpl'; public $type = 'file'; public $name = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/entries.tpl'; public $filepath = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/entries.tpl'; public $timestamp = 1668954007; public $exists = TRUE; public $basename = NULL; public $components = NULL; public $handler = class Smarty_Internal_Resource_File { ... }; public $smarty = class Serendipity_Smarty { ... }; public $isConfig = FALSE; public $content = NULL; public $compiler_class = 'Smarty_Internal_SmartyTemplateCompiler'; public $template_lexer_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Templatelexer'; public $template_parser_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Templateparser' }; 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110.0830861560content_6414c464f160f6_62653639( $_smarty_tpl = class Smarty_Internal_Template { public $_objType = 2; public $template_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Template'; public $tpl_vars = ['SCRIPT_NAME' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_charset' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_version' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_title' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_subtitle' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_link_stylesheet' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_link_script' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_link_stylesheet_frontend' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_xhtml' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'use_popups' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'use_backendpopups' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'force_backendpopups' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_embedded' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_raw_mode' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_logged_in' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'entry_id' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_single_entry' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'blogTitle' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'blogSubTitle' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'blogDescription' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityHTTPPath' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityDefaultBaseURL' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityBaseURL' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityRewritePrefix' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityIndexFile' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityVersion' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'lang' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'category' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'category_info' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'template' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'template_backend' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'wysiwygToolbar' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'wysiwyg_customPlugin' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'wysiwyg_customConfig' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'use_autosave' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'dateRange' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'archiveURL' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'navlinks' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'template_option' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'startpage' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'uriargs' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'view' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'viewtype' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'leftSidebarElements' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'rightSidebarElements' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_prev_page' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_totalEntries' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_totalPages' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_currentPage' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_pageLink' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_info' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_next_page' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'entries' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_preview' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'dategroup' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }]; 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public $default_config_handler_func = NULL; public $default_plugin_handler_func = NULL; public $_compileDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_pluginsDirNormalized = FALSE; public $_cacheDirNormalized = FALSE; public $force_compile = FALSE; public $use_sub_dirs = TRUE; public $allow_ambiguous_resources = FALSE; public $merge_compiled_includes = FALSE; public $extends_recursion = TRUE; public $force_cache = FALSE; public $left_delimiter = '{'; public $right_delimiter = '}'; public $literals = [...]; public $security_class = 'Smarty_Security'; public $security_policy = class Serendipity_Smarty_Security_Policy { ... }; public $php_handling = 0; public $allow_php_templates = FALSE; public $debugging = FALSE; public $debugging_ctrl = 'NONE'; public $smarty_debug_id = 'SMARTY_DEBUG'; public $debug_tpl = NULL; public $error_reporting = 30711; public $config_overwrite = TRUE; public $config_booleanize = TRUE; public $config_read_hidden = FALSE; public $compile_locking = TRUE; public $cache_locking = FALSE; public $locking_timeout = 10; public $default_resource_type = 'file'; public $caching_type = 'file'; public $default_config_type = 'file'; public $cache_modified_check = FALSE; public $registered_plugins = [...]; public $registered_objects = [...]; public $registered_classes = [...]; public $registered_filters = [...]; public $registered_resources = [...]; public $registered_cache_resources = [...]; public $autoload_filters = [...]; public $default_modifiers = [...]; public $escape_html = FALSE; public $start_time = 1726578055.0919; public $_current_file = NULL; public $_parserdebug = FALSE; public $_debug = NULL; protected $template_dir = [...]; protected $_processedTemplateDir = [...]; protected $config_dir = [...]; protected $_processedConfigDir = [...]; protected $compile_dir = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates_c/'; protected $plugins_dir = [...]; protected $cache_dir = './cache/'; protected $obsoleteProperties = [...]; protected $accessMap = [...]; public $security_settings = FALSE }; public $config_vars = []; public $ext = class Smarty_Internal_Extension_Handler { public $objType = 2; private $_property_info = [...]; private $resolvedProperties = [...] }; public $cache_id = NULL; public $compile_id = 'clean-blog'; public $caching = 0; public $compile_check = 1; public $cache_lifetime = 3600; public $tplFunctions = []; public $_cache = []; public $smarty = class Serendipity_Smarty { public $_objType = 1; public $template_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Template'; public $tpl_vars = [...]; public $parent = NULL; public $config_vars = [...]; public $ext = class Smarty_Internal_Extension_Handler { ... }; public $cache_id = NULL; public $compile_id = 'clean-blog'; public $caching = 0; public $compile_check = TRUE; public $cache_lifetime = 3600; public $tplFunctions = [...]; public $_cache = [...]; public $auto_literal = TRUE; public $error_unassigned = FALSE; public $use_include_path = FALSE; public $_templateDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_joined_template_dir = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/#/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/2k11/#/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/2k11/#/disk/service/web/home/blog/plugins/#/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/default/'; public $_configDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_joined_config_dir = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/'; public $default_template_handler_func = NULL; public $default_config_handler_func = NULL; public $default_plugin_handler_func = NULL; public $_compileDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_pluginsDirNormalized = FALSE; public $_cacheDirNormalized = FALSE; public $force_compile = FALSE; public $use_sub_dirs = TRUE; public $allow_ambiguous_resources = FALSE; public $merge_compiled_includes = FALSE; public $extends_recursion = TRUE; public $force_cache = FALSE; public $left_delimiter = '{'; public $right_delimiter = '}'; public $literals = [...]; public $security_class = 'Smarty_Security'; public $security_policy = class Serendipity_Smarty_Security_Policy { ... }; public $php_handling = 0; public $allow_php_templates = FALSE; public $debugging = FALSE; public $debugging_ctrl = 'NONE'; public $smarty_debug_id = 'SMARTY_DEBUG'; public $debug_tpl = NULL; public $error_reporting = 30711; public $config_overwrite = TRUE; public $config_booleanize = TRUE; public $config_read_hidden = FALSE; public $compile_locking = TRUE; public $cache_locking = FALSE; public $locking_timeout = 10; public $default_resource_type = 'file'; public $caching_type = 'file'; public $default_config_type = 'file'; public $cache_modified_check = FALSE; public $registered_plugins = [...]; public $registered_objects = [...]; public $registered_classes = [...]; public $registered_filters = [...]; public $registered_resources = [...]; public $registered_cache_resources = [...]; public $autoload_filters = [...]; public $default_modifiers = [...]; public $escape_html = FALSE; public $start_time = 1726578055.0919; public $_current_file = NULL; public $_parserdebug = FALSE; public $_debug = NULL; protected $template_dir = [...]; protected $_processedTemplateDir = [...]; protected $config_dir = [...]; protected $_processedConfigDir = [...]; protected $compile_dir = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates_c/'; protected $plugins_dir = [...]; protected $cache_dir = './cache/'; protected $obsoleteProperties = [...]; protected $accessMap = [...]; public $security_settings = FALSE }; public $source = class Smarty_Template_Source { public $uid = 'e367e7a3b64f5c3ae0389c9b8b63157dbbe9cfdb'; public $resource = 'file:/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/entries.tpl'; public $type = 'file'; public $name = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/entries.tpl'; public $filepath = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/entries.tpl'; public $timestamp = 1668954007; public $exists = TRUE; public $basename = NULL; public $components = NULL; public $handler = class Smarty_Internal_Resource_File { ... }; public $smarty = class Serendipity_Smarty { ... }; public $isConfig = FALSE; public $content = NULL; public $compiler_class = 'Smarty_Internal_SmartyTemplateCompiler'; public $template_lexer_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Templatelexer'; public $template_parser_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Templateparser' }; public $inheritance = NULL; public $template_resource = 'file:/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/entries.tpl'; public $mustCompile = FALSE; public $templateId = 'f5f92184c6214909fdcc1c1e0640e52321ef9169'; public $scope = 0; public $isRenderingCache = FALSE; public $startRenderCallbacks = [0 => [...]]; public $endRenderCallbacks = [0 => [...]]; public $compiled = class Smarty_Template_Compiled { public $filepath = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates_c/clean_blog/e3/67/e7/e367e7a3b64f5c3ae0389c9b8b63157dbbe9cfdb_0.file.entries.tpl.php'; public $timestamp = 1679082597; public $exists = TRUE; public $compile_id = NULL; public $processed = TRUE; public $unifunc = 'content_6414c464f160f6_62653639'; public $has_nocache_code = FALSE; public $file_dependency = [...]; public $content = NULL; public $includes = [...]; public $isCache = FALSE; public $nocache_hash = NULL } } ).../smarty_template_resource_base.php:123

( ! ) Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Smarty_Variable::$do_else is deprecated in /disk/service/web/home/blog/templates_c/clean_blog/e3/67/e7/e367e7a3b64f5c3ae0389c9b8b63157dbbe9cfdb_0.file.entries.tpl.php on line 35
Call Stack
10.0001462424{main}( ).../index.php:0
20.0133715944serveIndex( ).../index.php:104
30.0133716920include( '/disk/service/web/home/blog/include/genpage.inc.php ).../functions_routing.inc.php:18
40.0253801864serendipity_printEntries( $entries = [0 => ['orderkey' => NULL, 'id' => '2', 'title' => 'Erster Arbeitstag ', 'timestamp' => '1696453020', 'comments' => '0', 'exflag' => '0', 'authorid' => '1', 'trackbacks' => '0', 'isdraft' => 'false', 'allow_comments' => 'true', 'last_modified' => '1696453020', 'author' => 'Iris', 'loginname' => 'quevexala', 'email' => 'iris@zahlenhexe-blog.now-dns.org', 'body' => 'Erster Arbeitstag nach dem Urlaub. \r\nJetzt wird erst bewusst, dass die Oma nicht mehr da ist. \r\n\r\nMeine Mutter war auch im Laden. \r\n\r\nIch habe ihr gesagt, dass die Oma gestern gestorben ist. \r\n\r\nDie war dann so daneben, dass sie mich gefragt hat ob ich ihr nochmal sagen könnte, wo denn die Haltestelle ist. Und ob es denn hier in der Nähe eine Bank gäbe. \r\n\r\nDabei war sie schon hundert Mal bei dieser Bank und die Haltestelle ist genau gegenüber vom Laden. \r\n\r\nAußerdem hat am Vormittag die Lisa angerufen'..., 'extended' => '', 'categories' => [...], 'properties' => [...]], 1 => ['orderkey' => NULL, 'id' => '3', 'title' => 'Geburtstag. ', 'timestamp' => '1696366800', 'comments' => '0', 'exflag' => '0', 'authorid' => '1', 'trackbacks' => '0', 'isdraft' => 'false', 'allow_comments' => 'false', 'last_modified' => '1696366800', 'author' => 'Iris', 'loginname' => 'quevexala', 'email' => 'iris@zahlenhexe-blog.now-dns.org', 'body' => 'Das war ganz schön anstrengend. \r\n\r\nzuerst angefangen die ganze Urlaubswäsche zu waschen. \r\n\r\nDann habe ich noch die Nägel gemacht und war auf den Punkt um 14:30 fertig. \r\n\r\nLisa hat mich abgeholt und wir sin nach Mannheim zum Hafen49 gefahren. \r\n\r\nVoll das Technofest. War aber sehr cool und lustig. Hat mir gut gefallen. \r\n\r\nAuf dem Heimweg waren wir noch bei MCD. So gegen Mitternacht war ich zu Hause. \r\n\r\nDer Joe hat natürlich schon geschlafen. \r\n\r\nDer wurde dann so gegen 00:30 wach als ich ins Bett ge'..., 'extended' => '', 'categories' => [...], 'properties' => [...]], 2 => ['orderkey' => NULL, 'id' => '4', 'title' => 'Heimreise', 'timestamp' => '1696195080', 'comments' => '0', 'exflag' => '0', 'authorid' => '1', 'trackbacks' => '0', 'isdraft' => 'false', 'allow_comments' => 'true', 'last_modified' => '1696455534', 'author' => 'Iris', 'loginname' => 'quevexala', 'email' => 'iris@zahlenhexe-blog.now-dns.org', 'body' => 'Joe war schon um 6:00 wach und wäre am Liebsten gleich ins Auto gesprungen. \r\n\r\nUm 7:30 sind wir losgefahren. \r\n\r\nAlles ging glatt. \r\n\r\nBis wir in der Schweiz waren. \r\n\r\n<!-- s9ymdb:1 --><img src="https://zahlenhexe-blog.now-dns.org/uploads/Screenshot_20231004_230853_WhatsApp.jpg" >', 'extended' => '', 'categories' => [...], 'properties' => [...]]], $extended = ???, $preview = ???, $smarty_block = ???, $smarty_fetch = ???, $use_hooks = ???, $use_footer = ???, $use_grouped_array = ??? ).../genpage.inc.php:126
50.0803836392serendipity_smarty_fetch( $block = 'ENTRIES', $file = 'entries.tpl', $echo = TRUE, $force_frontend = FALSE ).../functions_entries.inc.php:1358
60.0808836488Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase->fetch( $template = 'file:/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/entries.tpl', $cache_id = NULL, $compile_id = NULL, $parent = NULL, FALSE ).../functions_smarty.inc.php:81
70.0808836488Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase->_execute( $template = 'file:/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/entries.tpl', $cache_id = NULL, $compile_id = NULL, $parent = NULL, $function = 0 ).../smarty_internal_templatebase.php:116
80.0814859000Smarty_Internal_Template->render( $no_output_filter = FALSE, $display = 0 ).../smarty_internal_templatebase.php:232
90.0830861560Smarty_Template_Compiled->render( $_template = class Smarty_Internal_Template { public $_objType = 2; public $template_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Template'; public $tpl_vars = ['SCRIPT_NAME' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_charset' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_version' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_title' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_subtitle' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_link_stylesheet' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_link_script' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_link_stylesheet_frontend' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_xhtml' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'use_popups' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'use_backendpopups' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'force_backendpopups' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_embedded' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_raw_mode' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_logged_in' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'entry_id' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_single_entry' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'blogTitle' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'blogSubTitle' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'blogDescription' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityHTTPPath' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityDefaultBaseURL' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityBaseURL' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityRewritePrefix' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityIndexFile' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityVersion' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'lang' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'category' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'category_info' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'template' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'template_backend' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'wysiwygToolbar' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'wysiwyg_customPlugin' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'wysiwyg_customConfig' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'use_autosave' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'dateRange' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'archiveURL' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'navlinks' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'template_option' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'startpage' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'uriargs' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'view' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'viewtype' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'leftSidebarElements' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'rightSidebarElements' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_prev_page' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_totalEntries' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_totalPages' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_currentPage' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_pageLink' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_info' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_next_page' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'entries' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_preview' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'dategroup' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'entry' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }]; 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public $locking_timeout = 10; public $default_resource_type = 'file'; public $caching_type = 'file'; public $default_config_type = 'file'; public $cache_modified_check = FALSE; public $registered_plugins = [...]; public $registered_objects = [...]; public $registered_classes = [...]; public $registered_filters = [...]; public $registered_resources = [...]; public $registered_cache_resources = [...]; public $autoload_filters = [...]; public $default_modifiers = [...]; public $escape_html = FALSE; public $start_time = 1726578055.0919; public $_current_file = NULL; public $_parserdebug = FALSE; public $_debug = NULL; protected $template_dir = [...]; protected $_processedTemplateDir = [...]; protected $config_dir = [...]; protected $_processedConfigDir = [...]; protected $compile_dir = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates_c/'; protected $plugins_dir = [...]; protected $cache_dir = './cache/'; protected $obsoleteProperties = [...]; protected $accessMap = [...]; public $security_settings = FALSE }; public $config_vars = []; public $ext = class Smarty_Internal_Extension_Handler { public $objType = 2; private $_property_info = [...]; private $resolvedProperties = [...] }; public $cache_id = NULL; public $compile_id = 'clean-blog'; public $caching = 0; public $compile_check = 1; public $cache_lifetime = 3600; public $tplFunctions = []; public $_cache = []; public $smarty = class Serendipity_Smarty { public $_objType = 1; public $template_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Template'; public $tpl_vars = [...]; public $parent = NULL; public $config_vars = [...]; public $ext = class Smarty_Internal_Extension_Handler { ... }; public $cache_id = NULL; public $compile_id = 'clean-blog'; public $caching = 0; public $compile_check = TRUE; public $cache_lifetime = 3600; public $tplFunctions = [...]; public $_cache = [...]; public $auto_literal = TRUE; public $error_unassigned = FALSE; public $use_include_path = FALSE; public $_templateDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_joined_template_dir = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/#/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/2k11/#/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/2k11/#/disk/service/web/home/blog/plugins/#/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/default/'; public $_configDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_joined_config_dir = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/'; public $default_template_handler_func = NULL; public $default_config_handler_func = NULL; public $default_plugin_handler_func = NULL; public $_compileDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_pluginsDirNormalized = FALSE; public $_cacheDirNormalized = FALSE; public $force_compile = FALSE; public $use_sub_dirs = TRUE; public $allow_ambiguous_resources = FALSE; public $merge_compiled_includes = FALSE; public $extends_recursion = TRUE; public $force_cache = FALSE; public $left_delimiter = '{'; public $right_delimiter = '}'; public $literals = [...]; public $security_class = 'Smarty_Security'; public $security_policy = class Serendipity_Smarty_Security_Policy { ... }; public $php_handling = 0; public $allow_php_templates = FALSE; public $debugging = FALSE; public $debugging_ctrl = 'NONE'; public $smarty_debug_id = 'SMARTY_DEBUG'; public $debug_tpl = NULL; public $error_reporting = 30711; public $config_overwrite = TRUE; public $config_booleanize = TRUE; public $config_read_hidden = FALSE; public $compile_locking = TRUE; public $cache_locking = FALSE; public $locking_timeout = 10; public $default_resource_type = 'file'; public $caching_type = 'file'; public $default_config_type = 'file'; public $cache_modified_check = FALSE; public $registered_plugins = [...]; public $registered_objects = [...]; public $registered_classes = [...]; public $registered_filters = [...]; public $registered_resources = [...]; public $registered_cache_resources = [...]; public $autoload_filters = [...]; public $default_modifiers = [...]; public $escape_html = FALSE; public $start_time = 1726578055.0919; public $_current_file = NULL; public $_parserdebug = FALSE; public $_debug = NULL; protected $template_dir = [...]; protected $_processedTemplateDir = [...]; protected $config_dir = [...]; protected $_processedConfigDir = [...]; protected $compile_dir = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates_c/'; protected $plugins_dir = [...]; protected $cache_dir = './cache/'; protected $obsoleteProperties = [...]; protected $accessMap = [...]; public $security_settings = FALSE }; public $source = class Smarty_Template_Source { public $uid = 'e367e7a3b64f5c3ae0389c9b8b63157dbbe9cfdb'; public $resource = 'file:/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/entries.tpl'; public $type = 'file'; public $name = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/entries.tpl'; public $filepath = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/entries.tpl'; public $timestamp = 1668954007; public $exists = TRUE; public $basename = NULL; public $components = NULL; public $handler = class Smarty_Internal_Resource_File { ... }; public $smarty = class Serendipity_Smarty { ... }; public $isConfig = FALSE; public $content = NULL; public $compiler_class = 'Smarty_Internal_SmartyTemplateCompiler'; public $template_lexer_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Templatelexer'; public $template_parser_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Templateparser' }; public $inheritance = NULL; public $template_resource = 'file:/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/entries.tpl'; public $mustCompile = FALSE; public $templateId = 'f5f92184c6214909fdcc1c1e0640e52321ef9169'; public $scope = 0; public $isRenderingCache = FALSE; public $startRenderCallbacks = [0 => [...]]; public $endRenderCallbacks = [0 => [...]]; public $compiled = class Smarty_Template_Compiled { public $filepath = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates_c/clean_blog/e3/67/e7/e367e7a3b64f5c3ae0389c9b8b63157dbbe9cfdb_0.file.entries.tpl.php'; public $timestamp = 1679082597; public $exists = TRUE; public $compile_id = NULL; public $processed = TRUE; public $unifunc = 'content_6414c464f160f6_62653639'; public $has_nocache_code = FALSE; public $file_dependency = [...]; public $content = NULL; public $includes = [...]; public $isCache = FALSE; public $nocache_hash = NULL } } ).../smarty_internal_template.php:216
100.0830861560Smarty_Template_Resource_Base->getRenderedTemplateCode( $_template = class Smarty_Internal_Template { public $_objType = 2; public $template_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Template'; public $tpl_vars = ['SCRIPT_NAME' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_charset' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_version' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_title' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_subtitle' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_link_stylesheet' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_link_script' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_link_stylesheet_frontend' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_xhtml' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'use_popups' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'use_backendpopups' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'force_backendpopups' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_embedded' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_raw_mode' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_logged_in' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'entry_id' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_single_entry' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'blogTitle' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'blogSubTitle' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'blogDescription' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityHTTPPath' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityDefaultBaseURL' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityBaseURL' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityRewritePrefix' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityIndexFile' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityVersion' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'lang' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'category' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'category_info' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'template' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'template_backend' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'wysiwygToolbar' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'wysiwyg_customPlugin' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'wysiwyg_customConfig' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'use_autosave' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'dateRange' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'archiveURL' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'navlinks' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'template_option' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'startpage' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'uriargs' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'view' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'viewtype' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'leftSidebarElements' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'rightSidebarElements' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_prev_page' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_totalEntries' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_totalPages' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_currentPage' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_pageLink' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_info' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_next_page' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'entries' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_preview' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'dategroup' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'entry' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }]; public $parent = class Serendipity_Smarty { public $_objType = 1; public $template_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Template'; public $tpl_vars = [...]; public $parent = NULL; public $config_vars = [...]; public $ext = class Smarty_Internal_Extension_Handler { ... }; public $cache_id = NULL; public $compile_id = 'clean-blog'; public $caching = 0; public $compile_check = TRUE; public $cache_lifetime = 3600; public $tplFunctions = [...]; public $_cache = [...]; public $auto_literal = TRUE; public $error_unassigned = FALSE; public $use_include_path = FALSE; public $_templateDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_joined_template_dir = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/#/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/2k11/#/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/2k11/#/disk/service/web/home/blog/plugins/#/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/default/'; public $_configDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_joined_config_dir = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/'; public $default_template_handler_func = NULL; public $default_config_handler_func = NULL; public $default_plugin_handler_func = NULL; public $_compileDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_pluginsDirNormalized = FALSE; public $_cacheDirNormalized = FALSE; public $force_compile = FALSE; public $use_sub_dirs = TRUE; public $allow_ambiguous_resources = FALSE; public $merge_compiled_includes = FALSE; public $extends_recursion = TRUE; public $force_cache = FALSE; public $left_delimiter = '{'; public $right_delimiter = '}'; public $literals = [...]; public $security_class = 'Smarty_Security'; public $security_policy = class Serendipity_Smarty_Security_Policy { ... }; public $php_handling = 0; public $allow_php_templates = FALSE; public $debugging = FALSE; public $debugging_ctrl = 'NONE'; public $smarty_debug_id = 'SMARTY_DEBUG'; public $debug_tpl = NULL; public $error_reporting = 30711; public $config_overwrite = TRUE; public $config_booleanize = TRUE; public $config_read_hidden = FALSE; public $compile_locking = TRUE; public $cache_locking = FALSE; public $locking_timeout = 10; public $default_resource_type = 'file'; public $caching_type = 'file'; public $default_config_type = 'file'; public $cache_modified_check = FALSE; public $registered_plugins = [...]; public $registered_objects = [...]; public $registered_classes = [...]; public $registered_filters = [...]; public $registered_resources = [...]; public $registered_cache_resources = [...]; public $autoload_filters = [...]; public $default_modifiers = [...]; public $escape_html = FALSE; public $start_time = 1726578055.0919; public $_current_file = NULL; public $_parserdebug = FALSE; public $_debug = NULL; protected $template_dir = [...]; protected $_processedTemplateDir = [...]; protected $config_dir = [...]; protected $_processedConfigDir = [...]; protected $compile_dir = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates_c/'; protected $plugins_dir = [...]; protected $cache_dir = './cache/'; protected $obsoleteProperties = [...]; protected $accessMap = [...]; public $security_settings = FALSE }; public $config_vars = []; public $ext = class Smarty_Internal_Extension_Handler { public $objType = 2; private $_property_info = [...]; private $resolvedProperties = [...] }; public $cache_id = NULL; public $compile_id = 'clean-blog'; public $caching = 0; public $compile_check = 1; public $cache_lifetime = 3600; public $tplFunctions = []; public $_cache = []; public $smarty = class Serendipity_Smarty { public $_objType = 1; public $template_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Template'; public $tpl_vars = [...]; public $parent = NULL; public $config_vars = [...]; public $ext = class Smarty_Internal_Extension_Handler { ... }; public $cache_id = NULL; public $compile_id = 'clean-blog'; public $caching = 0; public $compile_check = TRUE; public $cache_lifetime = 3600; public $tplFunctions = [...]; public $_cache = [...]; public $auto_literal = TRUE; public $error_unassigned = FALSE; public $use_include_path = FALSE; public $_templateDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_joined_template_dir = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/#/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/2k11/#/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/2k11/#/disk/service/web/home/blog/plugins/#/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/default/'; public $_configDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_joined_config_dir = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/'; public $default_template_handler_func = NULL; public $default_config_handler_func = NULL; public $default_plugin_handler_func = NULL; public $_compileDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_pluginsDirNormalized = FALSE; public $_cacheDirNormalized = FALSE; public $force_compile = FALSE; public $use_sub_dirs = TRUE; public $allow_ambiguous_resources = FALSE; public $merge_compiled_includes = FALSE; public $extends_recursion = TRUE; public $force_cache = FALSE; public $left_delimiter = '{'; public $right_delimiter = '}'; public $literals = [...]; public $security_class = 'Smarty_Security'; public $security_policy = class Serendipity_Smarty_Security_Policy { ... }; public $php_handling = 0; public $allow_php_templates = FALSE; public $debugging = FALSE; public $debugging_ctrl = 'NONE'; public $smarty_debug_id = 'SMARTY_DEBUG'; public $debug_tpl = NULL; public $error_reporting = 30711; public $config_overwrite = TRUE; public $config_booleanize = TRUE; public $config_read_hidden = FALSE; public $compile_locking = TRUE; public $cache_locking = FALSE; public $locking_timeout = 10; public $default_resource_type = 'file'; public $caching_type = 'file'; public $default_config_type = 'file'; public $cache_modified_check = FALSE; public $registered_plugins = [...]; public $registered_objects = [...]; public $registered_classes = [...]; public $registered_filters = [...]; public $registered_resources = [...]; public $registered_cache_resources = [...]; public $autoload_filters = [...]; public $default_modifiers = [...]; public $escape_html = FALSE; public $start_time = 1726578055.0919; public $_current_file = NULL; public $_parserdebug = FALSE; public $_debug = NULL; protected $template_dir = [...]; protected $_processedTemplateDir = [...]; protected $config_dir = [...]; protected $_processedConfigDir = [...]; protected $compile_dir = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates_c/'; protected $plugins_dir = [...]; protected $cache_dir = './cache/'; protected $obsoleteProperties = [...]; protected $accessMap = [...]; public $security_settings = FALSE }; public $source = class Smarty_Template_Source { public $uid = 'e367e7a3b64f5c3ae0389c9b8b63157dbbe9cfdb'; public $resource = 'file:/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/entries.tpl'; public $type = 'file'; public $name = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/entries.tpl'; public $filepath = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/entries.tpl'; public $timestamp = 1668954007; public $exists = TRUE; public $basename = NULL; public $components = NULL; public $handler = class Smarty_Internal_Resource_File { ... }; public $smarty = class Serendipity_Smarty { ... }; public $isConfig = FALSE; public $content = NULL; public $compiler_class = 'Smarty_Internal_SmartyTemplateCompiler'; public $template_lexer_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Templatelexer'; public $template_parser_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Templateparser' }; public $inheritance = NULL; public $template_resource = 'file:/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/entries.tpl'; public $mustCompile = FALSE; public $templateId = 'f5f92184c6214909fdcc1c1e0640e52321ef9169'; public $scope = 0; public $isRenderingCache = FALSE; public $startRenderCallbacks = [0 => [...]]; public $endRenderCallbacks = [0 => [...]]; public $compiled = class Smarty_Template_Compiled { public $filepath = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates_c/clean_blog/e3/67/e7/e367e7a3b64f5c3ae0389c9b8b63157dbbe9cfdb_0.file.entries.tpl.php'; public $timestamp = 1679082597; public $exists = TRUE; public $compile_id = NULL; public $processed = TRUE; public $unifunc = 'content_6414c464f160f6_62653639'; public $has_nocache_code = FALSE; public $file_dependency = [...]; public $content = NULL; public $includes = [...]; public $isCache = FALSE; public $nocache_hash = NULL } }, $unifunc = ??? ).../smarty_template_compiled.php:114
110.0830861560content_6414c464f160f6_62653639( $_smarty_tpl = class Smarty_Internal_Template { public $_objType = 2; public $template_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Template'; public $tpl_vars = ['SCRIPT_NAME' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_charset' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_version' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_title' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_subtitle' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_link_stylesheet' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_link_script' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_link_stylesheet_frontend' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_xhtml' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'use_popups' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'use_backendpopups' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'force_backendpopups' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_embedded' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_raw_mode' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_logged_in' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'entry_id' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_single_entry' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'blogTitle' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'blogSubTitle' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'blogDescription' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityHTTPPath' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityDefaultBaseURL' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityBaseURL' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityRewritePrefix' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityIndexFile' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityVersion' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'lang' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'category' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'category_info' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'template' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'template_backend' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'wysiwygToolbar' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'wysiwyg_customPlugin' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'wysiwyg_customConfig' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'use_autosave' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'dateRange' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'archiveURL' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'navlinks' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'template_option' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'startpage' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'uriargs' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'view' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'viewtype' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'leftSidebarElements' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'rightSidebarElements' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_prev_page' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_totalEntries' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_totalPages' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_currentPage' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_pageLink' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_info' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_next_page' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'entries' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_preview' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'dategroup' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'entry' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }]; public $parent = class Serendipity_Smarty { public $_objType = 1; public $template_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Template'; public $tpl_vars = [...]; public $parent = NULL; public $config_vars = [...]; public $ext = class Smarty_Internal_Extension_Handler { ... }; public $cache_id = NULL; public $compile_id = 'clean-blog'; public $caching = 0; public $compile_check = TRUE; public $cache_lifetime = 3600; public $tplFunctions = [...]; public $_cache = [...]; public $auto_literal = TRUE; public $error_unassigned = FALSE; public $use_include_path = FALSE; public $_templateDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_joined_template_dir = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/#/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/2k11/#/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/2k11/#/disk/service/web/home/blog/plugins/#/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/default/'; public $_configDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_joined_config_dir = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/'; public $default_template_handler_func = NULL; public $default_config_handler_func = NULL; public $default_plugin_handler_func = NULL; public $_compileDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_pluginsDirNormalized = FALSE; public $_cacheDirNormalized = FALSE; public $force_compile = FALSE; public $use_sub_dirs = TRUE; public $allow_ambiguous_resources = FALSE; public $merge_compiled_includes = FALSE; public $extends_recursion = TRUE; public $force_cache = FALSE; public $left_delimiter = '{'; public $right_delimiter = '}'; public $literals = [...]; public $security_class = 'Smarty_Security'; public $security_policy = class Serendipity_Smarty_Security_Policy { ... }; public $php_handling = 0; public $allow_php_templates = FALSE; public $debugging = FALSE; public $debugging_ctrl = 'NONE'; public $smarty_debug_id = 'SMARTY_DEBUG'; public $debug_tpl = NULL; public $error_reporting = 30711; public $config_overwrite = TRUE; public $config_booleanize = TRUE; public $config_read_hidden = FALSE; public $compile_locking = TRUE; public $cache_locking = FALSE; public $locking_timeout = 10; public $default_resource_type = 'file'; public $caching_type = 'file'; public $default_config_type = 'file'; public $cache_modified_check = FALSE; public $registered_plugins = [...]; public $registered_objects = [...]; public $registered_classes = [...]; public $registered_filters = [...]; public $registered_resources = [...]; public $registered_cache_resources = [...]; public $autoload_filters = [...]; public $default_modifiers = [...]; public $escape_html = FALSE; public $start_time = 1726578055.0919; public $_current_file = NULL; public $_parserdebug = FALSE; public $_debug = NULL; protected $template_dir = [...]; protected $_processedTemplateDir = [...]; protected $config_dir = [...]; protected $_processedConfigDir = [...]; protected $compile_dir = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates_c/'; protected $plugins_dir = [...]; protected $cache_dir = './cache/'; protected $obsoleteProperties = [...]; protected $accessMap = [...]; public $security_settings = FALSE }; public $config_vars = []; public $ext = class Smarty_Internal_Extension_Handler { public $objType = 2; private $_property_info = [...]; private $resolvedProperties = [...] }; public $cache_id = NULL; public $compile_id = 'clean-blog'; public $caching = 0; public $compile_check = 1; public $cache_lifetime = 3600; public $tplFunctions = []; public $_cache = []; public $smarty = class Serendipity_Smarty { public $_objType = 1; public $template_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Template'; public $tpl_vars = [...]; public $parent = NULL; public $config_vars = [...]; public $ext = class Smarty_Internal_Extension_Handler { ... }; public $cache_id = NULL; public $compile_id = 'clean-blog'; public $caching = 0; public $compile_check = TRUE; public $cache_lifetime = 3600; public $tplFunctions = [...]; public $_cache = [...]; public $auto_literal = TRUE; public $error_unassigned = FALSE; public $use_include_path = FALSE; public $_templateDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_joined_template_dir = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/#/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/2k11/#/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/2k11/#/disk/service/web/home/blog/plugins/#/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/default/'; public $_configDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_joined_config_dir = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/'; public $default_template_handler_func = NULL; public $default_config_handler_func = NULL; public $default_plugin_handler_func = NULL; public $_compileDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_pluginsDirNormalized = FALSE; public $_cacheDirNormalized = FALSE; public $force_compile = FALSE; public $use_sub_dirs = TRUE; public $allow_ambiguous_resources = FALSE; public $merge_compiled_includes = FALSE; public $extends_recursion = TRUE; public $force_cache = FALSE; public $left_delimiter = '{'; public $right_delimiter = '}'; public $literals = [...]; public $security_class = 'Smarty_Security'; public $security_policy = class Serendipity_Smarty_Security_Policy { ... }; public $php_handling = 0; public $allow_php_templates = FALSE; public $debugging = FALSE; public $debugging_ctrl = 'NONE'; public $smarty_debug_id = 'SMARTY_DEBUG'; public $debug_tpl = NULL; public $error_reporting = 30711; public $config_overwrite = TRUE; public $config_booleanize = TRUE; public $config_read_hidden = FALSE; public $compile_locking = TRUE; public $cache_locking = FALSE; public $locking_timeout = 10; public $default_resource_type = 'file'; public $caching_type = 'file'; public $default_config_type = 'file'; public $cache_modified_check = FALSE; public $registered_plugins = [...]; public $registered_objects = [...]; public $registered_classes = [...]; public $registered_filters = [...]; public $registered_resources = [...]; public $registered_cache_resources = [...]; public $autoload_filters = [...]; public $default_modifiers = [...]; public $escape_html = FALSE; public $start_time = 1726578055.0919; public $_current_file = NULL; public $_parserdebug = FALSE; public $_debug = NULL; protected $template_dir = [...]; protected $_processedTemplateDir = [...]; protected $config_dir = [...]; protected $_processedConfigDir = [...]; protected $compile_dir = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates_c/'; protected $plugins_dir = [...]; protected $cache_dir = './cache/'; protected $obsoleteProperties = [...]; protected $accessMap = [...]; public $security_settings = FALSE }; public $source = class Smarty_Template_Source { public $uid = 'e367e7a3b64f5c3ae0389c9b8b63157dbbe9cfdb'; public $resource = 'file:/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/entries.tpl'; public $type = 'file'; public $name = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/entries.tpl'; public $filepath = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/entries.tpl'; public $timestamp = 1668954007; public $exists = TRUE; public $basename = NULL; public $components = NULL; public $handler = class Smarty_Internal_Resource_File { ... }; public $smarty = class Serendipity_Smarty { ... }; public $isConfig = FALSE; public $content = NULL; public $compiler_class = 'Smarty_Internal_SmartyTemplateCompiler'; public $template_lexer_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Templatelexer'; public $template_parser_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Templateparser' }; public $inheritance = NULL; public $template_resource = 'file:/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/entries.tpl'; public $mustCompile = FALSE; public $templateId = 'f5f92184c6214909fdcc1c1e0640e52321ef9169'; public $scope = 0; public $isRenderingCache = FALSE; public $startRenderCallbacks = [0 => [...]]; public $endRenderCallbacks = [0 => [...]]; public $compiled = class Smarty_Template_Compiled { public $filepath = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates_c/clean_blog/e3/67/e7/e367e7a3b64f5c3ae0389c9b8b63157dbbe9cfdb_0.file.entries.tpl.php'; public $timestamp = 1679082597; public $exists = TRUE; public $compile_id = NULL; public $processed = TRUE; public $unifunc = 'content_6414c464f160f6_62653639'; public $has_nocache_code = FALSE; public $file_dependency = [...]; public $content = NULL; public $includes = [...]; public $isCache = FALSE; public $nocache_hash = NULL } } ).../smarty_template_resource_base.php:123

( ! ) Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Smarty_Internal_Extension_Handler::$_updateScope is deprecated in /disk/service/web/home/blog/bundled-libs/Smarty/libs/sysplugins/smarty_internal_extension_handler.php on line 182
Call Stack
10.0001462424{main}( ).../index.php:0
20.0133715944serveIndex( ).../index.php:104
30.0133716920include( '/disk/service/web/home/blog/include/genpage.inc.php ).../functions_routing.inc.php:18
40.0253801864serendipity_printEntries( $entries = [0 => ['orderkey' => NULL, 'id' => '2', 'title' => 'Erster Arbeitstag ', 'timestamp' => '1696453020', 'comments' => '0', 'exflag' => '0', 'authorid' => '1', 'trackbacks' => '0', 'isdraft' => 'false', 'allow_comments' => 'true', 'last_modified' => '1696453020', 'author' => 'Iris', 'loginname' => 'quevexala', 'email' => 'iris@zahlenhexe-blog.now-dns.org', 'body' => 'Erster Arbeitstag nach dem Urlaub. \r\nJetzt wird erst bewusst, dass die Oma nicht mehr da ist. \r\n\r\nMeine Mutter war auch im Laden. \r\n\r\nIch habe ihr gesagt, dass die Oma gestern gestorben ist. \r\n\r\nDie war dann so daneben, dass sie mich gefragt hat ob ich ihr nochmal sagen könnte, wo denn die Haltestelle ist. Und ob es denn hier in der Nähe eine Bank gäbe. \r\n\r\nDabei war sie schon hundert Mal bei dieser Bank und die Haltestelle ist genau gegenüber vom Laden. \r\n\r\nAußerdem hat am Vormittag die Lisa angerufen'..., 'extended' => '', 'categories' => [...], 'properties' => [...]], 1 => ['orderkey' => NULL, 'id' => '3', 'title' => 'Geburtstag. ', 'timestamp' => '1696366800', 'comments' => '0', 'exflag' => '0', 'authorid' => '1', 'trackbacks' => '0', 'isdraft' => 'false', 'allow_comments' => 'false', 'last_modified' => '1696366800', 'author' => 'Iris', 'loginname' => 'quevexala', 'email' => 'iris@zahlenhexe-blog.now-dns.org', 'body' => 'Das war ganz schön anstrengend. \r\n\r\nzuerst angefangen die ganze Urlaubswäsche zu waschen. \r\n\r\nDann habe ich noch die Nägel gemacht und war auf den Punkt um 14:30 fertig. \r\n\r\nLisa hat mich abgeholt und wir sin nach Mannheim zum Hafen49 gefahren. \r\n\r\nVoll das Technofest. War aber sehr cool und lustig. Hat mir gut gefallen. \r\n\r\nAuf dem Heimweg waren wir noch bei MCD. So gegen Mitternacht war ich zu Hause. \r\n\r\nDer Joe hat natürlich schon geschlafen. \r\n\r\nDer wurde dann so gegen 00:30 wach als ich ins Bett ge'..., 'extended' => '', 'categories' => [...], 'properties' => [...]], 2 => ['orderkey' => NULL, 'id' => '4', 'title' => 'Heimreise', 'timestamp' => '1696195080', 'comments' => '0', 'exflag' => '0', 'authorid' => '1', 'trackbacks' => '0', 'isdraft' => 'false', 'allow_comments' => 'true', 'last_modified' => '1696455534', 'author' => 'Iris', 'loginname' => 'quevexala', 'email' => 'iris@zahlenhexe-blog.now-dns.org', 'body' => 'Joe war schon um 6:00 wach und wäre am Liebsten gleich ins Auto gesprungen. \r\n\r\nUm 7:30 sind wir losgefahren. \r\n\r\nAlles ging glatt. \r\n\r\nBis wir in der Schweiz waren. \r\n\r\n<!-- s9ymdb:1 --><img src="https://zahlenhexe-blog.now-dns.org/uploads/Screenshot_20231004_230853_WhatsApp.jpg" >', 'extended' => '', 'categories' => [...], 'properties' => [...]]], $extended = ???, $preview = ???, $smarty_block = ???, $smarty_fetch = ???, $use_hooks = ???, $use_footer = ???, $use_grouped_array = ??? ).../genpage.inc.php:126
50.0803836392serendipity_smarty_fetch( $block = 'ENTRIES', $file = 'entries.tpl', $echo = TRUE, $force_frontend = FALSE ).../functions_entries.inc.php:1358
60.0808836488Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase->fetch( $template = 'file:/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/entries.tpl', $cache_id = NULL, $compile_id = NULL, $parent = NULL, FALSE ).../functions_smarty.inc.php:81
70.0808836488Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase->_execute( $template = 'file:/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/entries.tpl', $cache_id = NULL, $compile_id = NULL, $parent = NULL, $function = 0 ).../smarty_internal_templatebase.php:116
80.0814859000Smarty_Internal_Template->render( $no_output_filter = FALSE, $display = 0 ).../smarty_internal_templatebase.php:232
90.0830861560Smarty_Template_Compiled->render( $_template = class Smarty_Internal_Template { public $_objType = 2; public $template_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Template'; public $tpl_vars = ['SCRIPT_NAME' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_charset' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_version' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_title' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_subtitle' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_link_stylesheet' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_link_script' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_link_stylesheet_frontend' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_xhtml' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'use_popups' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'use_backendpopups' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'force_backendpopups' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_embedded' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_raw_mode' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_logged_in' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'entry_id' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_single_entry' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'blogTitle' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'blogSubTitle' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'blogDescription' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityHTTPPath' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityDefaultBaseURL' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityBaseURL' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityRewritePrefix' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityIndexFile' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityVersion' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'lang' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'category' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'category_info' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'template' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'template_backend' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'wysiwygToolbar' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'wysiwyg_customPlugin' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'wysiwyg_customConfig' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'use_autosave' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'dateRange' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'archiveURL' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'navlinks' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'template_option' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'startpage' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'uriargs' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'view' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'viewtype' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'leftSidebarElements' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'rightSidebarElements' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_prev_page' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_totalEntries' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_totalPages' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_currentPage' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_pageLink' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_info' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_next_page' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'entries' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_preview' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'dategroup' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'entry' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }]; 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120.08671029592Smarty_Internal_Template->_assignInScope( $varName = 'entry', $value = ['orderkey' => NULL, 'id' => '2', 'title' => 'Erster Arbeitstag ', 'timestamp' => '1696453020', 'comments' => '0', 'exflag' => '0', 'authorid' => '1', 'trackbacks' => '0', 'isdraft' => 'false', 'allow_comments' => TRUE, 'last_modified' => '1696453020', 'author' => 'Iris', 'loginname' => 'quevexala', 'email' => 'iris@zahlenhexe-blog.now-dns.org', 'body' => '<p>Erster Arbeitstag nach dem Urlaub. \nJetzt wird erst bewusst, dass die Oma nicht mehr da ist. </p>\n\n<p>Meine Mutter war auch im Laden. </p>\n\n<p>Ich habe ihr gesagt, dass die Oma gestern gestorben ist. </p>\n\n<p>Die war dann so daneben, dass sie mich gefragt hat ob ich ihr nochmal sagen könnte, wo denn die Haltestelle ist. Und ob es denn hier in der Nähe eine Bank gäbe. </p>\n\n<p>Dabei war sie schon hundert Mal bei dieser Bank und die Haltestelle ist genau gegenüber vom Laden. </p>\n\n<p>Außerdem hat am V'..., 'extended' => '', 'categories' => [], 'properties' => ['entry_subtitle' => 'quevexala', 'ep_access' => 'public'], 'link' => '/index.php?/archives/2-Erster-Arbeitstag.html', 'commURL' => 'archives/2-Erster-Arbeitstag.html', 'html_title' => 'Erster Arbeitstag ', 'title_rdf' => 'Erster Arbeitstag ', 'rdf_ident' => 'https://zahlenhexe-blog.now-dns.org/index.php?/archives/2-Erster-Arbeitstag.html', 'link_rdf' => 'https://zahlenhexe-blog.now-dns.org/index.php?/feeds/ei_2.rdf', 'link_allow_comments' => 'https://zahlenhexe-blog.now-dns.org/comment.php?serendipity[switch]=enable&amp;serendipity[entry]=2&amp;serendipity[token]=a5e8d7ae5b466ec627df1548d57dacb6', 'link_deny_comments' => 'https://zahlenhexe-blog.now-dns.org/comment.php?serendipity[switch]=disable&amp;serendipity[entry]=2&amp;serendipity[token]=a5e8d7ae5b466ec627df1548d57dacb6', 'moderate_comments' => FALSE, 'viewmode' => 'threaded', 'link_popup_comments' => '/comment.php?serendipity[entry_id]=2&amp;serendipity[type]=comments', 'link_popup_trackbacks' => '/comment.php?serendipity[entry_id]=2&amp;serendipity[type]=trackbacks', 'link_edit' => 'https://zahlenhexe-blog.now-dns.org/serendipity_admin.php?serendipity[action]=admin&amp;serendipity[adminModule]=entries&amp;serendipity[adminAction]=edit&amp;serendipity[id]=2', 'link_trackback' => 'https://zahlenhexe-blog.now-dns.org/comment.php?type=trackback&amp;entry_id=2', 'link_viewmode_threaded' => '/index.php?url=archives/2-Erster-Arbeitstag.html&amp;serendipity%5Bcview%5D=threaded', 'link_viewmode_linear' => '/index.php?url=archives/2-Erster-Arbeitstag.html&amp;serendipity%5Bcview%5D=linear', 'link_author' => 'https://zahlenhexe-blog.now-dns.org/index.php?/authors/1-Iris', 'has_extended' => FALSE, 'add_footer' => '', 'is_extended' => FALSE, 'has_comments' => TRUE, 'label_comments' => 'Kommentare', 'has_trackbacks' => TRUE, 'label_trackbacks' => 'Trackbacks', 'display_dat' => '', 'plugin_display_dat' => '', 'backend_preview' => NULL], $nocache = FALSE, $scope = 2 ).../e367e7a3b64f5c3ae0389c9b8b63157dbbe9cfdb_0.file.entries.tpl.php:39
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Erster Arbeitstag


( ! ) Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Smarty_Variable::$do_else is deprecated in /disk/service/web/home/blog/templates_c/clean_blog/e3/67/e7/e367e7a3b64f5c3ae0389c9b8b63157dbbe9cfdb_0.file.entries.tpl.php on line 35
Call Stack
10.0001462424{main}( ).../index.php:0
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40.0253801864serendipity_printEntries( $entries = [0 => ['orderkey' => NULL, 'id' => '2', 'title' => 'Erster Arbeitstag ', 'timestamp' => '1696453020', 'comments' => '0', 'exflag' => '0', 'authorid' => '1', 'trackbacks' => '0', 'isdraft' => 'false', 'allow_comments' => 'true', 'last_modified' => '1696453020', 'author' => 'Iris', 'loginname' => 'quevexala', 'email' => 'iris@zahlenhexe-blog.now-dns.org', 'body' => 'Erster Arbeitstag nach dem Urlaub. \r\nJetzt wird erst bewusst, dass die Oma nicht mehr da ist. \r\n\r\nMeine Mutter war auch im Laden. \r\n\r\nIch habe ihr gesagt, dass die Oma gestern gestorben ist. \r\n\r\nDie war dann so daneben, dass sie mich gefragt hat ob ich ihr nochmal sagen könnte, wo denn die Haltestelle ist. Und ob es denn hier in der Nähe eine Bank gäbe. \r\n\r\nDabei war sie schon hundert Mal bei dieser Bank und die Haltestelle ist genau gegenüber vom Laden. \r\n\r\nAußerdem hat am Vormittag die Lisa angerufen'..., 'extended' => '', 'categories' => [...], 'properties' => [...]], 1 => ['orderkey' => NULL, 'id' => '3', 'title' => 'Geburtstag. ', 'timestamp' => '1696366800', 'comments' => '0', 'exflag' => '0', 'authorid' => '1', 'trackbacks' => '0', 'isdraft' => 'false', 'allow_comments' => 'false', 'last_modified' => '1696366800', 'author' => 'Iris', 'loginname' => 'quevexala', 'email' => 'iris@zahlenhexe-blog.now-dns.org', 'body' => 'Das war ganz schön anstrengend. \r\n\r\nzuerst angefangen die ganze Urlaubswäsche zu waschen. \r\n\r\nDann habe ich noch die Nägel gemacht und war auf den Punkt um 14:30 fertig. \r\n\r\nLisa hat mich abgeholt und wir sin nach Mannheim zum Hafen49 gefahren. \r\n\r\nVoll das Technofest. War aber sehr cool und lustig. Hat mir gut gefallen. \r\n\r\nAuf dem Heimweg waren wir noch bei MCD. So gegen Mitternacht war ich zu Hause. \r\n\r\nDer Joe hat natürlich schon geschlafen. \r\n\r\nDer wurde dann so gegen 00:30 wach als ich ins Bett ge'..., 'extended' => '', 'categories' => [...], 'properties' => [...]], 2 => ['orderkey' => NULL, 'id' => '4', 'title' => 'Heimreise', 'timestamp' => '1696195080', 'comments' => '0', 'exflag' => '0', 'authorid' => '1', 'trackbacks' => '0', 'isdraft' => 'false', 'allow_comments' => 'true', 'last_modified' => '1696455534', 'author' => 'Iris', 'loginname' => 'quevexala', 'email' => 'iris@zahlenhexe-blog.now-dns.org', 'body' => 'Joe war schon um 6:00 wach und wäre am Liebsten gleich ins Auto gesprungen. \r\n\r\nUm 7:30 sind wir losgefahren. \r\n\r\nAlles ging glatt. \r\n\r\nBis wir in der Schweiz waren. \r\n\r\n<!-- s9ymdb:1 --><img src="https://zahlenhexe-blog.now-dns.org/uploads/Screenshot_20231004_230853_WhatsApp.jpg" >', 'extended' => '', 'categories' => [...], 'properties' => [...]]], $extended = ???, $preview = ???, $smarty_block = ???, $smarty_fetch = ???, $use_hooks = ???, $use_footer = ???, $use_grouped_array = ??? ).../genpage.inc.php:126
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90.0830861560Smarty_Template_Compiled->render( $_template = class Smarty_Internal_Template { public $_objType = 2; public $template_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Template'; public $tpl_vars = ['SCRIPT_NAME' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_charset' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_version' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_title' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_subtitle' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_link_stylesheet' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_link_script' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_link_stylesheet_frontend' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_xhtml' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'use_popups' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'use_backendpopups' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'force_backendpopups' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_embedded' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_raw_mode' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_logged_in' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'entry_id' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_single_entry' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'blogTitle' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'blogSubTitle' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'blogDescription' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityHTTPPath' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityDefaultBaseURL' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityBaseURL' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityRewritePrefix' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityIndexFile' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityVersion' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'lang' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'category' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'category_info' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'template' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'template_backend' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'wysiwygToolbar' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'wysiwyg_customPlugin' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'wysiwyg_customConfig' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'use_autosave' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'dateRange' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'archiveURL' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'navlinks' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'template_option' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'startpage' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'uriargs' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'view' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'viewtype' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'leftSidebarElements' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'rightSidebarElements' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_prev_page' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_totalEntries' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_totalPages' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_currentPage' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_pageLink' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_info' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_next_page' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'entries' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_preview' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'dategroup' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'entry' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }]; 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public $default_config_handler_func = NULL; public $default_plugin_handler_func = NULL; public $_compileDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_pluginsDirNormalized = FALSE; public $_cacheDirNormalized = FALSE; public $force_compile = FALSE; public $use_sub_dirs = TRUE; public $allow_ambiguous_resources = FALSE; public $merge_compiled_includes = FALSE; public $extends_recursion = TRUE; public $force_cache = FALSE; public $left_delimiter = '{'; public $right_delimiter = '}'; public $literals = [...]; public $security_class = 'Smarty_Security'; public $security_policy = class Serendipity_Smarty_Security_Policy { ... }; public $php_handling = 0; public $allow_php_templates = FALSE; public $debugging = FALSE; public $debugging_ctrl = 'NONE'; public $smarty_debug_id = 'SMARTY_DEBUG'; public $debug_tpl = NULL; public $error_reporting = 30711; public $config_overwrite = TRUE; public $config_booleanize = TRUE; public $config_read_hidden = FALSE; public $compile_locking = TRUE; public $cache_locking = FALSE; public $locking_timeout = 10; public $default_resource_type = 'file'; public $caching_type = 'file'; public $default_config_type = 'file'; public $cache_modified_check = FALSE; public $registered_plugins = [...]; public $registered_objects = [...]; public $registered_classes = [...]; public $registered_filters = [...]; public $registered_resources = [...]; public $registered_cache_resources = [...]; public $autoload_filters = [...]; public $default_modifiers = [...]; public $escape_html = FALSE; public $start_time = 1726578055.0919; public $_current_file = NULL; public $_parserdebug = FALSE; public $_debug = NULL; protected $template_dir = [...]; protected $_processedTemplateDir = [...]; protected $config_dir = [...]; protected $_processedConfigDir = [...]; protected $compile_dir = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates_c/'; protected $plugins_dir = [...]; protected $cache_dir = './cache/'; protected $obsoleteProperties = [...]; protected $accessMap = [...]; public $security_settings = FALSE }; public $config_vars = []; public $ext = class Smarty_Internal_Extension_Handler { public $objType = 2; private $_property_info = [...]; private $resolvedProperties = [...] }; public $cache_id = NULL; public $compile_id = 'clean-blog'; public $caching = 0; public $compile_check = 1; public $cache_lifetime = 3600; public $tplFunctions = []; public $_cache = []; public $smarty = class Serendipity_Smarty { public $_objType = 1; public $template_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Template'; public $tpl_vars = [...]; public $parent = NULL; public $config_vars = [...]; public $ext = class Smarty_Internal_Extension_Handler { ... }; public $cache_id = NULL; public $compile_id = 'clean-blog'; public $caching = 0; public $compile_check = TRUE; public $cache_lifetime = 3600; public $tplFunctions = [...]; public $_cache = [...]; public $auto_literal = TRUE; public $error_unassigned = FALSE; public $use_include_path = FALSE; public $_templateDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_joined_template_dir = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/#/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/2k11/#/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/2k11/#/disk/service/web/home/blog/plugins/#/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/default/'; public $_configDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_joined_config_dir = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/'; public $default_template_handler_func = NULL; public $default_config_handler_func = NULL; public $default_plugin_handler_func = NULL; public $_compileDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_pluginsDirNormalized = FALSE; public $_cacheDirNormalized = FALSE; public $force_compile = FALSE; public $use_sub_dirs = TRUE; public $allow_ambiguous_resources = FALSE; public $merge_compiled_includes = FALSE; public $extends_recursion = TRUE; public $force_cache = FALSE; public $left_delimiter = '{'; public $right_delimiter = '}'; public $literals = [...]; public $security_class = 'Smarty_Security'; public $security_policy = class Serendipity_Smarty_Security_Policy { ... }; public $php_handling = 0; public $allow_php_templates = FALSE; public $debugging = FALSE; public $debugging_ctrl = 'NONE'; public $smarty_debug_id = 'SMARTY_DEBUG'; public $debug_tpl = NULL; public $error_reporting = 30711; public $config_overwrite = TRUE; public $config_booleanize = TRUE; public $config_read_hidden = FALSE; public $compile_locking = TRUE; public $cache_locking = FALSE; public $locking_timeout = 10; public $default_resource_type = 'file'; public $caching_type = 'file'; public $default_config_type = 'file'; public $cache_modified_check = FALSE; public $registered_plugins = [...]; public $registered_objects = [...]; public $registered_classes = [...]; public $registered_filters = [...]; public $registered_resources = [...]; public $registered_cache_resources = [...]; public $autoload_filters = [...]; public $default_modifiers = [...]; public $escape_html = FALSE; public $start_time = 1726578055.0919; public $_current_file = NULL; public $_parserdebug = FALSE; public $_debug = NULL; protected $template_dir = [...]; protected $_processedTemplateDir = [...]; protected $config_dir = [...]; protected $_processedConfigDir = [...]; protected $compile_dir = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates_c/'; protected $plugins_dir = [...]; protected $cache_dir = './cache/'; protected $obsoleteProperties = [...]; protected $accessMap = [...]; public $security_settings = FALSE }; public $source = class Smarty_Template_Source { public $uid = 'e367e7a3b64f5c3ae0389c9b8b63157dbbe9cfdb'; public $resource = 'file:/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/entries.tpl'; public $type = 'file'; public $name = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/entries.tpl'; public $filepath = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/entries.tpl'; public $timestamp = 1668954007; public $exists = TRUE; public $basename = NULL; public $components = NULL; public $handler = class Smarty_Internal_Resource_File { ... }; public $smarty = class Serendipity_Smarty { ... }; public $isConfig = FALSE; public $content = NULL; public $compiler_class = 'Smarty_Internal_SmartyTemplateCompiler'; public $template_lexer_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Templatelexer'; public $template_parser_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Templateparser' }; public $inheritance = NULL; public $template_resource = 'file:/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/entries.tpl'; public $mustCompile = FALSE; public $templateId = 'f5f92184c6214909fdcc1c1e0640e52321ef9169'; public $scope = 0; public $isRenderingCache = FALSE; public $startRenderCallbacks = [0 => [...]]; public $endRenderCallbacks = [0 => [...]]; public $compiled = class Smarty_Template_Compiled { public $filepath = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates_c/clean_blog/e3/67/e7/e367e7a3b64f5c3ae0389c9b8b63157dbbe9cfdb_0.file.entries.tpl.php'; public $timestamp = 1679082597; public $exists = TRUE; public $compile_id = NULL; public $processed = TRUE; public $unifunc = 'content_6414c464f160f6_62653639'; public $has_nocache_code = FALSE; public $file_dependency = [...]; public $content = NULL; public $includes = [...]; public $isCache = FALSE; public $nocache_hash = NULL } } ).../smarty_internal_template.php:216
100.0830861560Smarty_Template_Resource_Base->getRenderedTemplateCode( $_template = class Smarty_Internal_Template { public $_objType = 2; public $template_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Template'; public $tpl_vars = ['SCRIPT_NAME' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_charset' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_version' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_title' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_subtitle' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_link_stylesheet' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_link_script' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_link_stylesheet_frontend' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_xhtml' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'use_popups' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'use_backendpopups' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'force_backendpopups' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_embedded' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_raw_mode' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_logged_in' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'entry_id' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_single_entry' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'blogTitle' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'blogSubTitle' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'blogDescription' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityHTTPPath' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityDefaultBaseURL' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityBaseURL' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityRewritePrefix' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityIndexFile' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityVersion' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'lang' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'category' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'category_info' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'template' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'template_backend' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'wysiwygToolbar' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'wysiwyg_customPlugin' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'wysiwyg_customConfig' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'use_autosave' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'dateRange' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'archiveURL' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'navlinks' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'template_option' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'startpage' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'uriargs' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'view' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'viewtype' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'leftSidebarElements' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'rightSidebarElements' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_prev_page' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_totalEntries' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_totalPages' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_currentPage' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_pageLink' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_info' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_next_page' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'entries' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_preview' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'dategroup' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'entry' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }]; public $parent = class Serendipity_Smarty { public $_objType = 1; public $template_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Template'; public $tpl_vars = [...]; public $parent = NULL; public $config_vars = [...]; public $ext = class Smarty_Internal_Extension_Handler { ... }; public $cache_id = NULL; public $compile_id = 'clean-blog'; public $caching = 0; public $compile_check = TRUE; public $cache_lifetime = 3600; public $tplFunctions = [...]; public $_cache = [...]; public $auto_literal = TRUE; public $error_unassigned = FALSE; public $use_include_path = FALSE; public $_templateDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_joined_template_dir = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/#/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/2k11/#/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/2k11/#/disk/service/web/home/blog/plugins/#/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/default/'; public $_configDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_joined_config_dir = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/'; public $default_template_handler_func = NULL; public $default_config_handler_func = NULL; public $default_plugin_handler_func = NULL; public $_compileDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_pluginsDirNormalized = FALSE; public $_cacheDirNormalized = FALSE; public $force_compile = FALSE; public $use_sub_dirs = TRUE; public $allow_ambiguous_resources = FALSE; public $merge_compiled_includes = FALSE; public $extends_recursion = TRUE; public $force_cache = FALSE; public $left_delimiter = '{'; public $right_delimiter = '}'; public $literals = [...]; public $security_class = 'Smarty_Security'; public $security_policy = class Serendipity_Smarty_Security_Policy { ... }; public $php_handling = 0; public $allow_php_templates = FALSE; public $debugging = FALSE; public $debugging_ctrl = 'NONE'; public $smarty_debug_id = 'SMARTY_DEBUG'; public $debug_tpl = NULL; public $error_reporting = 30711; public $config_overwrite = TRUE; public $config_booleanize = TRUE; public $config_read_hidden = FALSE; public $compile_locking = TRUE; public $cache_locking = FALSE; public $locking_timeout = 10; public $default_resource_type = 'file'; public $caching_type = 'file'; public $default_config_type = 'file'; public $cache_modified_check = FALSE; public $registered_plugins = [...]; public $registered_objects = [...]; public $registered_classes = [...]; public $registered_filters = [...]; public $registered_resources = [...]; public $registered_cache_resources = [...]; public $autoload_filters = [...]; public $default_modifiers = [...]; public $escape_html = FALSE; public $start_time = 1726578055.0919; public $_current_file = NULL; public $_parserdebug = FALSE; public $_debug = NULL; protected $template_dir = [...]; protected $_processedTemplateDir = [...]; protected $config_dir = [...]; protected $_processedConfigDir = [...]; protected $compile_dir = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates_c/'; protected $plugins_dir = [...]; protected $cache_dir = './cache/'; protected $obsoleteProperties = [...]; protected $accessMap = [...]; public $security_settings = FALSE }; public $config_vars = []; public $ext = class Smarty_Internal_Extension_Handler { public $objType = 2; private $_property_info = [...]; private $resolvedProperties = [...] }; public $cache_id = NULL; public $compile_id = 'clean-blog'; public $caching = 0; public $compile_check = 1; public $cache_lifetime = 3600; public $tplFunctions = []; public $_cache = []; public $smarty = class Serendipity_Smarty { public $_objType = 1; public $template_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Template'; public $tpl_vars = [...]; public $parent = NULL; public $config_vars = [...]; public $ext = class Smarty_Internal_Extension_Handler { ... }; public $cache_id = NULL; public $compile_id = 'clean-blog'; public $caching = 0; public $compile_check = TRUE; public $cache_lifetime = 3600; public $tplFunctions = [...]; public $_cache = [...]; public $auto_literal = TRUE; public $error_unassigned = FALSE; public $use_include_path = FALSE; public $_templateDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_joined_template_dir = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/#/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/2k11/#/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/2k11/#/disk/service/web/home/blog/plugins/#/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/default/'; public $_configDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_joined_config_dir = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/'; public $default_template_handler_func = NULL; public $default_config_handler_func = NULL; public $default_plugin_handler_func = NULL; public $_compileDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_pluginsDirNormalized = FALSE; public $_cacheDirNormalized = FALSE; public $force_compile = FALSE; public $use_sub_dirs = TRUE; public $allow_ambiguous_resources = FALSE; public $merge_compiled_includes = FALSE; public $extends_recursion = TRUE; public $force_cache = FALSE; public $left_delimiter = '{'; public $right_delimiter = '}'; public $literals = [...]; public $security_class = 'Smarty_Security'; public $security_policy = class Serendipity_Smarty_Security_Policy { ... }; public $php_handling = 0; public $allow_php_templates = FALSE; public $debugging = FALSE; public $debugging_ctrl = 'NONE'; public $smarty_debug_id = 'SMARTY_DEBUG'; public $debug_tpl = NULL; public $error_reporting = 30711; public $config_overwrite = TRUE; public $config_booleanize = TRUE; public $config_read_hidden = FALSE; public $compile_locking = TRUE; public $cache_locking = FALSE; public $locking_timeout = 10; public $default_resource_type = 'file'; public $caching_type = 'file'; public $default_config_type = 'file'; public $cache_modified_check = FALSE; public $registered_plugins = [...]; public $registered_objects = [...]; public $registered_classes = [...]; public $registered_filters = [...]; public $registered_resources = [...]; public $registered_cache_resources = [...]; public $autoload_filters = [...]; public $default_modifiers = [...]; public $escape_html = FALSE; public $start_time = 1726578055.0919; public $_current_file = NULL; public $_parserdebug = FALSE; public $_debug = NULL; protected $template_dir = [...]; protected $_processedTemplateDir = [...]; protected $config_dir = [...]; protected $_processedConfigDir = [...]; protected $compile_dir = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates_c/'; protected $plugins_dir = [...]; protected $cache_dir = './cache/'; protected $obsoleteProperties = [...]; protected $accessMap = [...]; public $security_settings = FALSE }; public $source = class Smarty_Template_Source { public $uid = 'e367e7a3b64f5c3ae0389c9b8b63157dbbe9cfdb'; public $resource = 'file:/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/entries.tpl'; public $type = 'file'; public $name = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/entries.tpl'; public $filepath = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/entries.tpl'; public $timestamp = 1668954007; public $exists = TRUE; public $basename = NULL; public $components = NULL; public $handler = class Smarty_Internal_Resource_File { ... }; public $smarty = class Serendipity_Smarty { ... }; public $isConfig = FALSE; public $content = NULL; public $compiler_class = 'Smarty_Internal_SmartyTemplateCompiler'; public $template_lexer_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Templatelexer'; public $template_parser_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Templateparser' }; public $inheritance = NULL; public $template_resource = 'file:/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/entries.tpl'; public $mustCompile = FALSE; public $templateId = 'f5f92184c6214909fdcc1c1e0640e52321ef9169'; public $scope = 0; public $isRenderingCache = FALSE; public $startRenderCallbacks = [0 => [...]]; public $endRenderCallbacks = [0 => [...]]; public $compiled = class Smarty_Template_Compiled { public $filepath = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates_c/clean_blog/e3/67/e7/e367e7a3b64f5c3ae0389c9b8b63157dbbe9cfdb_0.file.entries.tpl.php'; public $timestamp = 1679082597; public $exists = TRUE; public $compile_id = NULL; public $processed = TRUE; public $unifunc = 'content_6414c464f160f6_62653639'; public $has_nocache_code = FALSE; public $file_dependency = [...]; public $content = NULL; public $includes = [...]; public $isCache = FALSE; public $nocache_hash = NULL } }, $unifunc = ??? ).../smarty_template_compiled.php:114
110.0830861560content_6414c464f160f6_62653639( $_smarty_tpl = class Smarty_Internal_Template { public $_objType = 2; public $template_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Template'; public $tpl_vars = ['SCRIPT_NAME' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_charset' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_version' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_title' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_subtitle' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_link_stylesheet' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_link_script' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_link_stylesheet_frontend' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_xhtml' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'use_popups' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'use_backendpopups' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'force_backendpopups' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_embedded' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_raw_mode' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_logged_in' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'entry_id' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_single_entry' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'blogTitle' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'blogSubTitle' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'blogDescription' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityHTTPPath' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityDefaultBaseURL' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityBaseURL' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityRewritePrefix' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityIndexFile' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityVersion' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'lang' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'category' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'category_info' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'template' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'template_backend' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'wysiwygToolbar' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'wysiwyg_customPlugin' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'wysiwyg_customConfig' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'use_autosave' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'dateRange' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'archiveURL' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'navlinks' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'template_option' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'startpage' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'uriargs' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'view' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'viewtype' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'leftSidebarElements' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'rightSidebarElements' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_prev_page' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_totalEntries' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_totalPages' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_currentPage' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_pageLink' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_info' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_next_page' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'entries' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_preview' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'dategroup' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'entry' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }]; public $parent = class Serendipity_Smarty { public $_objType = 1; public $template_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Template'; public $tpl_vars = [...]; public $parent = NULL; public $config_vars = [...]; public $ext = class Smarty_Internal_Extension_Handler { ... }; public $cache_id = NULL; public $compile_id = 'clean-blog'; public $caching = 0; public $compile_check = TRUE; public $cache_lifetime = 3600; public $tplFunctions = [...]; public $_cache = [...]; public $auto_literal = TRUE; public $error_unassigned = FALSE; public $use_include_path = FALSE; public $_templateDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_joined_template_dir = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/#/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/2k11/#/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/2k11/#/disk/service/web/home/blog/plugins/#/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/default/'; public $_configDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_joined_config_dir = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/'; public $default_template_handler_func = NULL; public $default_config_handler_func = NULL; public $default_plugin_handler_func = NULL; public $_compileDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_pluginsDirNormalized = FALSE; public $_cacheDirNormalized = FALSE; public $force_compile = FALSE; public $use_sub_dirs = TRUE; public $allow_ambiguous_resources = FALSE; public $merge_compiled_includes = FALSE; public $extends_recursion = TRUE; public $force_cache = FALSE; public $left_delimiter = '{'; public $right_delimiter = '}'; public $literals = [...]; public $security_class = 'Smarty_Security'; public $security_policy = class Serendipity_Smarty_Security_Policy { ... }; public $php_handling = 0; public $allow_php_templates = FALSE; public $debugging = FALSE; public $debugging_ctrl = 'NONE'; public $smarty_debug_id = 'SMARTY_DEBUG'; public $debug_tpl = NULL; public $error_reporting = 30711; public $config_overwrite = TRUE; public $config_booleanize = TRUE; public $config_read_hidden = FALSE; public $compile_locking = TRUE; public $cache_locking = FALSE; public $locking_timeout = 10; public $default_resource_type = 'file'; public $caching_type = 'file'; public $default_config_type = 'file'; public $cache_modified_check = FALSE; public $registered_plugins = [...]; public $registered_objects = [...]; public $registered_classes = [...]; public $registered_filters = [...]; public $registered_resources = [...]; public $registered_cache_resources = [...]; public $autoload_filters = [...]; public $default_modifiers = [...]; public $escape_html = FALSE; public $start_time = 1726578055.0919; public $_current_file = NULL; public $_parserdebug = FALSE; public $_debug = NULL; protected $template_dir = [...]; protected $_processedTemplateDir = [...]; protected $config_dir = [...]; protected $_processedConfigDir = [...]; protected $compile_dir = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates_c/'; protected $plugins_dir = [...]; protected $cache_dir = './cache/'; protected $obsoleteProperties = [...]; protected $accessMap = [...]; public $security_settings = FALSE }; public $config_vars = []; public $ext = class Smarty_Internal_Extension_Handler { public $objType = 2; private $_property_info = [...]; private $resolvedProperties = [...] }; public $cache_id = NULL; public $compile_id = 'clean-blog'; public $caching = 0; public $compile_check = 1; public $cache_lifetime = 3600; public $tplFunctions = []; public $_cache = []; public $smarty = class Serendipity_Smarty { public $_objType = 1; public $template_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Template'; public $tpl_vars = [...]; public $parent = NULL; public $config_vars = [...]; public $ext = class Smarty_Internal_Extension_Handler { ... }; public $cache_id = NULL; public $compile_id = 'clean-blog'; public $caching = 0; public $compile_check = TRUE; public $cache_lifetime = 3600; public $tplFunctions = [...]; public $_cache = [...]; public $auto_literal = TRUE; public $error_unassigned = FALSE; public $use_include_path = FALSE; public $_templateDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_joined_template_dir = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/#/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/2k11/#/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/2k11/#/disk/service/web/home/blog/plugins/#/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/default/'; public $_configDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_joined_config_dir = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/'; public $default_template_handler_func = NULL; public $default_config_handler_func = NULL; public $default_plugin_handler_func = NULL; public $_compileDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_pluginsDirNormalized = FALSE; public $_cacheDirNormalized = FALSE; public $force_compile = FALSE; public $use_sub_dirs = TRUE; public $allow_ambiguous_resources = FALSE; public $merge_compiled_includes = FALSE; public $extends_recursion = TRUE; public $force_cache = FALSE; public $left_delimiter = '{'; public $right_delimiter = '}'; public $literals = [...]; public $security_class = 'Smarty_Security'; public $security_policy = class Serendipity_Smarty_Security_Policy { ... }; public $php_handling = 0; public $allow_php_templates = FALSE; public $debugging = FALSE; public $debugging_ctrl = 'NONE'; public $smarty_debug_id = 'SMARTY_DEBUG'; public $debug_tpl = NULL; public $error_reporting = 30711; public $config_overwrite = TRUE; public $config_booleanize = TRUE; public $config_read_hidden = FALSE; public $compile_locking = TRUE; public $cache_locking = FALSE; public $locking_timeout = 10; public $default_resource_type = 'file'; public $caching_type = 'file'; public $default_config_type = 'file'; public $cache_modified_check = FALSE; public $registered_plugins = [...]; public $registered_objects = [...]; public $registered_classes = [...]; public $registered_filters = [...]; public $registered_resources = [...]; public $registered_cache_resources = [...]; public $autoload_filters = [...]; public $default_modifiers = [...]; public $escape_html = FALSE; public $start_time = 1726578055.0919; public $_current_file = NULL; public $_parserdebug = FALSE; public $_debug = NULL; protected $template_dir = [...]; protected $_processedTemplateDir = [...]; protected $config_dir = [...]; protected $_processedConfigDir = [...]; protected $compile_dir = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates_c/'; protected $plugins_dir = [...]; protected $cache_dir = './cache/'; protected $obsoleteProperties = [...]; protected $accessMap = [...]; public $security_settings = FALSE }; public $source = class Smarty_Template_Source { public $uid = 'e367e7a3b64f5c3ae0389c9b8b63157dbbe9cfdb'; public $resource = 'file:/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/entries.tpl'; public $type = 'file'; public $name = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/entries.tpl'; public $filepath = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/entries.tpl'; public $timestamp = 1668954007; public $exists = TRUE; public $basename = NULL; public $components = NULL; public $handler = class Smarty_Internal_Resource_File { ... }; public $smarty = class Serendipity_Smarty { ... }; public $isConfig = FALSE; public $content = NULL; public $compiler_class = 'Smarty_Internal_SmartyTemplateCompiler'; public $template_lexer_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Templatelexer'; public $template_parser_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Templateparser' }; public $inheritance = NULL; public $template_resource = 'file:/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/entries.tpl'; public $mustCompile = FALSE; public $templateId = 'f5f92184c6214909fdcc1c1e0640e52321ef9169'; public $scope = 0; public $isRenderingCache = FALSE; public $startRenderCallbacks = [0 => [...]]; public $endRenderCallbacks = [0 => [...]]; public $compiled = class Smarty_Template_Compiled { public $filepath = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates_c/clean_blog/e3/67/e7/e367e7a3b64f5c3ae0389c9b8b63157dbbe9cfdb_0.file.entries.tpl.php'; public $timestamp = 1679082597; public $exists = TRUE; public $compile_id = NULL; public $processed = TRUE; public $unifunc = 'content_6414c464f160f6_62653639'; public $has_nocache_code = FALSE; public $file_dependency = [...]; public $content = NULL; public $includes = [...]; public $isCache = FALSE; public $nocache_hash = NULL } } ).../smarty_template_resource_base.php:123



( ! ) Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Smarty_Variable::$do_else is deprecated in /disk/service/web/home/blog/templates_c/clean_blog/e3/67/e7/e367e7a3b64f5c3ae0389c9b8b63157dbbe9cfdb_0.file.entries.tpl.php on line 35
Call Stack
10.0001462424{main}( ).../index.php:0
20.0133715944serveIndex( ).../index.php:104
30.0133716920include( '/disk/service/web/home/blog/include/genpage.inc.php ).../functions_routing.inc.php:18
40.0253801864serendipity_printEntries( $entries = [0 => ['orderkey' => NULL, 'id' => '2', 'title' => 'Erster Arbeitstag ', 'timestamp' => '1696453020', 'comments' => '0', 'exflag' => '0', 'authorid' => '1', 'trackbacks' => '0', 'isdraft' => 'false', 'allow_comments' => 'true', 'last_modified' => '1696453020', 'author' => 'Iris', 'loginname' => 'quevexala', 'email' => 'iris@zahlenhexe-blog.now-dns.org', 'body' => 'Erster Arbeitstag nach dem Urlaub. \r\nJetzt wird erst bewusst, dass die Oma nicht mehr da ist. \r\n\r\nMeine Mutter war auch im Laden. \r\n\r\nIch habe ihr gesagt, dass die Oma gestern gestorben ist. \r\n\r\nDie war dann so daneben, dass sie mich gefragt hat ob ich ihr nochmal sagen könnte, wo denn die Haltestelle ist. Und ob es denn hier in der Nähe eine Bank gäbe. \r\n\r\nDabei war sie schon hundert Mal bei dieser Bank und die Haltestelle ist genau gegenüber vom Laden. \r\n\r\nAußerdem hat am Vormittag die Lisa angerufen'..., 'extended' => '', 'categories' => [...], 'properties' => [...]], 1 => ['orderkey' => NULL, 'id' => '3', 'title' => 'Geburtstag. ', 'timestamp' => '1696366800', 'comments' => '0', 'exflag' => '0', 'authorid' => '1', 'trackbacks' => '0', 'isdraft' => 'false', 'allow_comments' => 'false', 'last_modified' => '1696366800', 'author' => 'Iris', 'loginname' => 'quevexala', 'email' => 'iris@zahlenhexe-blog.now-dns.org', 'body' => 'Das war ganz schön anstrengend. \r\n\r\nzuerst angefangen die ganze Urlaubswäsche zu waschen. \r\n\r\nDann habe ich noch die Nägel gemacht und war auf den Punkt um 14:30 fertig. \r\n\r\nLisa hat mich abgeholt und wir sin nach Mannheim zum Hafen49 gefahren. \r\n\r\nVoll das Technofest. War aber sehr cool und lustig. Hat mir gut gefallen. \r\n\r\nAuf dem Heimweg waren wir noch bei MCD. So gegen Mitternacht war ich zu Hause. \r\n\r\nDer Joe hat natürlich schon geschlafen. \r\n\r\nDer wurde dann so gegen 00:30 wach als ich ins Bett ge'..., 'extended' => '', 'categories' => [...], 'properties' => [...]], 2 => ['orderkey' => NULL, 'id' => '4', 'title' => 'Heimreise', 'timestamp' => '1696195080', 'comments' => '0', 'exflag' => '0', 'authorid' => '1', 'trackbacks' => '0', 'isdraft' => 'false', 'allow_comments' => 'true', 'last_modified' => '1696455534', 'author' => 'Iris', 'loginname' => 'quevexala', 'email' => 'iris@zahlenhexe-blog.now-dns.org', 'body' => 'Joe war schon um 6:00 wach und wäre am Liebsten gleich ins Auto gesprungen. \r\n\r\nUm 7:30 sind wir losgefahren. \r\n\r\nAlles ging glatt. \r\n\r\nBis wir in der Schweiz waren. \r\n\r\n<!-- s9ymdb:1 --><img src="https://zahlenhexe-blog.now-dns.org/uploads/Screenshot_20231004_230853_WhatsApp.jpg" >', 'extended' => '', 'categories' => [...], 'properties' => [...]]], $extended = ???, $preview = ???, $smarty_block = ???, $smarty_fetch = ???, $use_hooks = ???, $use_footer = ???, $use_grouped_array = ??? ).../genpage.inc.php:126
50.0803836392serendipity_smarty_fetch( $block = 'ENTRIES', $file = 'entries.tpl', $echo = TRUE, $force_frontend = FALSE ).../functions_entries.inc.php:1358
60.0808836488Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase->fetch( $template = 'file:/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/entries.tpl', $cache_id = NULL, $compile_id = NULL, $parent = NULL, FALSE ).../functions_smarty.inc.php:81
70.0808836488Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase->_execute( $template = 'file:/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/entries.tpl', $cache_id = NULL, $compile_id = NULL, $parent = NULL, $function = 0 ).../smarty_internal_templatebase.php:116
80.0814859000Smarty_Internal_Template->render( $no_output_filter = FALSE, $display = 0 ).../smarty_internal_templatebase.php:232
90.0830861560Smarty_Template_Compiled->render( $_template = class Smarty_Internal_Template { public $_objType = 2; public $template_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Template'; public $tpl_vars = ['SCRIPT_NAME' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_charset' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_version' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_title' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_subtitle' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_link_stylesheet' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_link_script' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_link_stylesheet_frontend' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_xhtml' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'use_popups' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'use_backendpopups' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'force_backendpopups' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_embedded' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_raw_mode' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_logged_in' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'entry_id' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_single_entry' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'blogTitle' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'blogSubTitle' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'blogDescription' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityHTTPPath' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityDefaultBaseURL' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityBaseURL' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityRewritePrefix' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityIndexFile' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityVersion' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'lang' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'category' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'category_info' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'template' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'template_backend' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'wysiwygToolbar' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'wysiwyg_customPlugin' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'wysiwyg_customConfig' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'use_autosave' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'dateRange' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'archiveURL' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'navlinks' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'template_option' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'startpage' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'uriargs' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'view' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'viewtype' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'leftSidebarElements' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'rightSidebarElements' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_prev_page' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_totalEntries' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_totalPages' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_currentPage' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_pageLink' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_info' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_next_page' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'entries' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_preview' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'dategroup' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'entry' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }]; 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public $default_config_handler_func = NULL; public $default_plugin_handler_func = NULL; public $_compileDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_pluginsDirNormalized = FALSE; public $_cacheDirNormalized = FALSE; public $force_compile = FALSE; public $use_sub_dirs = TRUE; public $allow_ambiguous_resources = FALSE; public $merge_compiled_includes = FALSE; public $extends_recursion = TRUE; public $force_cache = FALSE; public $left_delimiter = '{'; public $right_delimiter = '}'; public $literals = [...]; public $security_class = 'Smarty_Security'; public $security_policy = class Serendipity_Smarty_Security_Policy { ... }; public $php_handling = 0; public $allow_php_templates = FALSE; public $debugging = FALSE; public $debugging_ctrl = 'NONE'; public $smarty_debug_id = 'SMARTY_DEBUG'; public $debug_tpl = NULL; public $error_reporting = 30711; public $config_overwrite = TRUE; public $config_booleanize = TRUE; public $config_read_hidden = FALSE; public $compile_locking = TRUE; public $cache_locking = FALSE; public $locking_timeout = 10; public $default_resource_type = 'file'; public $caching_type = 'file'; public $default_config_type = 'file'; public $cache_modified_check = FALSE; public $registered_plugins = [...]; public $registered_objects = [...]; public $registered_classes = [...]; public $registered_filters = [...]; public $registered_resources = [...]; public $registered_cache_resources = [...]; public $autoload_filters = [...]; public $default_modifiers = [...]; public $escape_html = FALSE; public $start_time = 1726578055.0919; public $_current_file = NULL; public $_parserdebug = FALSE; public $_debug = NULL; protected $template_dir = [...]; protected $_processedTemplateDir = [...]; protected $config_dir = [...]; protected $_processedConfigDir = [...]; protected $compile_dir = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates_c/'; protected $plugins_dir = [...]; protected $cache_dir = './cache/'; protected $obsoleteProperties = [...]; protected $accessMap = [...]; public $security_settings = FALSE }; public $config_vars = []; public $ext = class Smarty_Internal_Extension_Handler { public $objType = 2; private $_property_info = [...]; private $resolvedProperties = [...] }; public $cache_id = NULL; public $compile_id = 'clean-blog'; public $caching = 0; public $compile_check = 1; public $cache_lifetime = 3600; public $tplFunctions = []; public $_cache = []; public $smarty = class Serendipity_Smarty { public $_objType = 1; public $template_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Template'; public $tpl_vars = [...]; public $parent = NULL; public $config_vars = [...]; public $ext = class Smarty_Internal_Extension_Handler { ... }; public $cache_id = NULL; public $compile_id = 'clean-blog'; public $caching = 0; public $compile_check = TRUE; public $cache_lifetime = 3600; public $tplFunctions = [...]; public $_cache = [...]; public $auto_literal = TRUE; public $error_unassigned = FALSE; public $use_include_path = FALSE; public $_templateDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_joined_template_dir = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/#/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/2k11/#/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/2k11/#/disk/service/web/home/blog/plugins/#/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/default/'; public $_configDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_joined_config_dir = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/'; public $default_template_handler_func = NULL; public $default_config_handler_func = NULL; public $default_plugin_handler_func = NULL; public $_compileDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_pluginsDirNormalized = FALSE; public $_cacheDirNormalized = FALSE; public $force_compile = FALSE; public $use_sub_dirs = TRUE; public $allow_ambiguous_resources = FALSE; public $merge_compiled_includes = FALSE; public $extends_recursion = TRUE; public $force_cache = FALSE; public $left_delimiter = '{'; public $right_delimiter = '}'; public $literals = [...]; public $security_class = 'Smarty_Security'; public $security_policy = class Serendipity_Smarty_Security_Policy { ... }; public $php_handling = 0; public $allow_php_templates = FALSE; public $debugging = FALSE; public $debugging_ctrl = 'NONE'; public $smarty_debug_id = 'SMARTY_DEBUG'; public $debug_tpl = NULL; public $error_reporting = 30711; public $config_overwrite = TRUE; public $config_booleanize = TRUE; public $config_read_hidden = FALSE; public $compile_locking = TRUE; public $cache_locking = FALSE; public $locking_timeout = 10; public $default_resource_type = 'file'; public $caching_type = 'file'; public $default_config_type = 'file'; public $cache_modified_check = FALSE; public $registered_plugins = [...]; public $registered_objects = [...]; public $registered_classes = [...]; public $registered_filters = [...]; public $registered_resources = [...]; public $registered_cache_resources = [...]; public $autoload_filters = [...]; public $default_modifiers = [...]; public $escape_html = FALSE; public $start_time = 1726578055.0919; public $_current_file = NULL; public $_parserdebug = FALSE; public $_debug = NULL; protected $template_dir = [...]; protected $_processedTemplateDir = [...]; protected $config_dir = [...]; protected $_processedConfigDir = [...]; protected $compile_dir = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates_c/'; 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public $inheritance = NULL; public $template_resource = 'file:/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/entries.tpl'; public $mustCompile = FALSE; public $templateId = 'f5f92184c6214909fdcc1c1e0640e52321ef9169'; public $scope = 0; public $isRenderingCache = FALSE; public $startRenderCallbacks = [0 => [...]]; public $endRenderCallbacks = [0 => [...]]; public $compiled = class Smarty_Template_Compiled { public $filepath = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates_c/clean_blog/e3/67/e7/e367e7a3b64f5c3ae0389c9b8b63157dbbe9cfdb_0.file.entries.tpl.php'; public $timestamp = 1679082597; public $exists = TRUE; public $compile_id = NULL; public $processed = TRUE; public $unifunc = 'content_6414c464f160f6_62653639'; public $has_nocache_code = FALSE; public $file_dependency = [...]; public $content = NULL; public $includes = [...]; public $isCache = FALSE; public $nocache_hash = NULL } } ).../smarty_internal_template.php:216
100.0830861560Smarty_Template_Resource_Base->getRenderedTemplateCode( $_template = class Smarty_Internal_Template { public $_objType = 2; public $template_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Template'; public $tpl_vars = ['SCRIPT_NAME' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_charset' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_version' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_title' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_subtitle' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_link_stylesheet' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_link_script' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_link_stylesheet_frontend' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_xhtml' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'use_popups' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'use_backendpopups' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'force_backendpopups' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_embedded' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_raw_mode' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_logged_in' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'entry_id' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_single_entry' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'blogTitle' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'blogSubTitle' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'blogDescription' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityHTTPPath' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityDefaultBaseURL' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityBaseURL' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityRewritePrefix' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityIndexFile' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityVersion' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'lang' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'category' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'category_info' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'template' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'template_backend' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'wysiwygToolbar' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'wysiwyg_customPlugin' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'wysiwyg_customConfig' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'use_autosave' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'dateRange' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'archiveURL' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'navlinks' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'template_option' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'startpage' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'uriargs' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'view' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'viewtype' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'leftSidebarElements' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'rightSidebarElements' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_prev_page' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_totalEntries' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_totalPages' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_currentPage' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_pageLink' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_info' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_next_page' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'entries' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_preview' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'dategroup' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'entry' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }]; public $parent = class Serendipity_Smarty { public $_objType = 1; public $template_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Template'; public $tpl_vars = [...]; public $parent = NULL; public $config_vars = [...]; public $ext = class Smarty_Internal_Extension_Handler { ... }; public $cache_id = NULL; public $compile_id = 'clean-blog'; public $caching = 0; public $compile_check = TRUE; public $cache_lifetime = 3600; public $tplFunctions = [...]; public $_cache = [...]; public $auto_literal = TRUE; public $error_unassigned = FALSE; public $use_include_path = FALSE; public $_templateDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_joined_template_dir = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/#/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/2k11/#/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/2k11/#/disk/service/web/home/blog/plugins/#/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/default/'; public $_configDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_joined_config_dir = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/'; public $default_template_handler_func = NULL; public $default_config_handler_func = NULL; public $default_plugin_handler_func = NULL; public $_compileDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_pluginsDirNormalized = FALSE; public $_cacheDirNormalized = FALSE; public $force_compile = FALSE; public $use_sub_dirs = TRUE; public $allow_ambiguous_resources = FALSE; public $merge_compiled_includes = FALSE; public $extends_recursion = TRUE; public $force_cache = FALSE; public $left_delimiter = '{'; public $right_delimiter = '}'; public $literals = [...]; public $security_class = 'Smarty_Security'; public $security_policy = class Serendipity_Smarty_Security_Policy { ... }; public $php_handling = 0; public $allow_php_templates = FALSE; public $debugging = FALSE; public $debugging_ctrl = 'NONE'; public $smarty_debug_id = 'SMARTY_DEBUG'; public $debug_tpl = NULL; public $error_reporting = 30711; public $config_overwrite = TRUE; public $config_booleanize = TRUE; public $config_read_hidden = FALSE; public $compile_locking = TRUE; public $cache_locking = FALSE; public $locking_timeout = 10; public $default_resource_type = 'file'; public $caching_type = 'file'; public $default_config_type = 'file'; public $cache_modified_check = FALSE; public $registered_plugins = [...]; public $registered_objects = [...]; public $registered_classes = [...]; public $registered_filters = [...]; public $registered_resources = [...]; public $registered_cache_resources = [...]; public $autoload_filters = [...]; public $default_modifiers = [...]; public $escape_html = FALSE; public $start_time = 1726578055.0919; public $_current_file = NULL; public $_parserdebug = FALSE; public $_debug = NULL; protected $template_dir = [...]; protected $_processedTemplateDir = [...]; protected $config_dir = [...]; protected $_processedConfigDir = [...]; protected $compile_dir = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates_c/'; protected $plugins_dir = [...]; protected $cache_dir = './cache/'; protected $obsoleteProperties = [...]; protected $accessMap = [...]; public $security_settings = FALSE }; public $config_vars = []; public $ext = class Smarty_Internal_Extension_Handler { public $objType = 2; private $_property_info = [...]; private $resolvedProperties = [...] }; public $cache_id = NULL; public $compile_id = 'clean-blog'; public $caching = 0; public $compile_check = 1; public $cache_lifetime = 3600; public $tplFunctions = []; public $_cache = []; public $smarty = class Serendipity_Smarty { public $_objType = 1; public $template_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Template'; public $tpl_vars = [...]; public $parent = NULL; public $config_vars = [...]; public $ext = class Smarty_Internal_Extension_Handler { ... }; public $cache_id = NULL; public $compile_id = 'clean-blog'; public $caching = 0; public $compile_check = TRUE; public $cache_lifetime = 3600; public $tplFunctions = [...]; public $_cache = [...]; public $auto_literal = TRUE; public $error_unassigned = FALSE; public $use_include_path = FALSE; public $_templateDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_joined_template_dir = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/#/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/2k11/#/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/2k11/#/disk/service/web/home/blog/plugins/#/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/default/'; public $_configDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_joined_config_dir = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/'; public $default_template_handler_func = NULL; public $default_config_handler_func = NULL; public $default_plugin_handler_func = NULL; public $_compileDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_pluginsDirNormalized = FALSE; public $_cacheDirNormalized = FALSE; public $force_compile = FALSE; public $use_sub_dirs = TRUE; public $allow_ambiguous_resources = FALSE; public $merge_compiled_includes = FALSE; public $extends_recursion = TRUE; public $force_cache = FALSE; public $left_delimiter = '{'; public $right_delimiter = '}'; public $literals = [...]; public $security_class = 'Smarty_Security'; public $security_policy = class Serendipity_Smarty_Security_Policy { ... }; public $php_handling = 0; public $allow_php_templates = FALSE; public $debugging = FALSE; public $debugging_ctrl = 'NONE'; public $smarty_debug_id = 'SMARTY_DEBUG'; public $debug_tpl = NULL; public $error_reporting = 30711; public $config_overwrite = TRUE; public $config_booleanize = TRUE; public $config_read_hidden = FALSE; public $compile_locking = TRUE; public $cache_locking = FALSE; public $locking_timeout = 10; public $default_resource_type = 'file'; public $caching_type = 'file'; public $default_config_type = 'file'; public $cache_modified_check = FALSE; public $registered_plugins = [...]; public $registered_objects = [...]; public $registered_classes = [...]; public $registered_filters = [...]; public $registered_resources = [...]; public $registered_cache_resources = [...]; public $autoload_filters = [...]; public $default_modifiers = [...]; public $escape_html = FALSE; public $start_time = 1726578055.0919; public $_current_file = NULL; public $_parserdebug = FALSE; public $_debug = NULL; protected $template_dir = [...]; protected $_processedTemplateDir = [...]; protected $config_dir = [...]; protected $_processedConfigDir = [...]; protected $compile_dir = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates_c/'; protected $plugins_dir = [...]; protected $cache_dir = './cache/'; protected $obsoleteProperties = [...]; protected $accessMap = [...]; public $security_settings = FALSE }; public $source = class Smarty_Template_Source { public $uid = 'e367e7a3b64f5c3ae0389c9b8b63157dbbe9cfdb'; public $resource = 'file:/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/entries.tpl'; public $type = 'file'; public $name = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/entries.tpl'; public $filepath = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/entries.tpl'; public $timestamp = 1668954007; public $exists = TRUE; public $basename = NULL; public $components = NULL; public $handler = class Smarty_Internal_Resource_File { ... }; public $smarty = class Serendipity_Smarty { ... }; public $isConfig = FALSE; public $content = NULL; public $compiler_class = 'Smarty_Internal_SmartyTemplateCompiler'; public $template_lexer_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Templatelexer'; public $template_parser_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Templateparser' }; public $inheritance = NULL; public $template_resource = 'file:/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/entries.tpl'; public $mustCompile = FALSE; public $templateId = 'f5f92184c6214909fdcc1c1e0640e52321ef9169'; public $scope = 0; public $isRenderingCache = FALSE; public $startRenderCallbacks = [0 => [...]]; public $endRenderCallbacks = [0 => [...]]; public $compiled = class Smarty_Template_Compiled { public $filepath = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates_c/clean_blog/e3/67/e7/e367e7a3b64f5c3ae0389c9b8b63157dbbe9cfdb_0.file.entries.tpl.php'; public $timestamp = 1679082597; public $exists = TRUE; public $compile_id = NULL; public $processed = TRUE; public $unifunc = 'content_6414c464f160f6_62653639'; public $has_nocache_code = FALSE; public $file_dependency = [...]; public $content = NULL; public $includes = [...]; public $isCache = FALSE; public $nocache_hash = NULL } }, $unifunc = ??? ).../smarty_template_compiled.php:114
110.0830861560content_6414c464f160f6_62653639( $_smarty_tpl = class Smarty_Internal_Template { public $_objType = 2; public $template_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Template'; public $tpl_vars = ['SCRIPT_NAME' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_charset' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_version' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_title' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_subtitle' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_link_stylesheet' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_link_script' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_link_stylesheet_frontend' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_xhtml' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'use_popups' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'use_backendpopups' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'force_backendpopups' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_embedded' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_raw_mode' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_logged_in' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'entry_id' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_single_entry' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'blogTitle' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'blogSubTitle' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'blogDescription' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityHTTPPath' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityDefaultBaseURL' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityBaseURL' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityRewritePrefix' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityIndexFile' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityVersion' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'lang' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'category' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'category_info' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'template' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'template_backend' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'wysiwygToolbar' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'wysiwyg_customPlugin' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'wysiwyg_customConfig' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'use_autosave' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'dateRange' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'archiveURL' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'navlinks' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'template_option' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'startpage' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'uriargs' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'view' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'viewtype' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'leftSidebarElements' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'rightSidebarElements' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_prev_page' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_totalEntries' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_totalPages' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_currentPage' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_pageLink' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_info' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_next_page' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'entries' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_preview' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'dategroup' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'entry' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }]; public $parent = class Serendipity_Smarty { public $_objType = 1; public $template_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Template'; public $tpl_vars = [...]; public $parent = NULL; public $config_vars = [...]; public $ext = class Smarty_Internal_Extension_Handler { ... }; public $cache_id = NULL; public $compile_id = 'clean-blog'; public $caching = 0; public $compile_check = TRUE; public $cache_lifetime = 3600; public $tplFunctions = [...]; public $_cache = [...]; public $auto_literal = TRUE; public $error_unassigned = FALSE; public $use_include_path = FALSE; public $_templateDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_joined_template_dir = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/#/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/2k11/#/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/2k11/#/disk/service/web/home/blog/plugins/#/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/default/'; public $_configDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_joined_config_dir = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/'; public $default_template_handler_func = NULL; public $default_config_handler_func = NULL; public $default_plugin_handler_func = NULL; public $_compileDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_pluginsDirNormalized = FALSE; public $_cacheDirNormalized = FALSE; public $force_compile = FALSE; public $use_sub_dirs = TRUE; public $allow_ambiguous_resources = FALSE; public $merge_compiled_includes = FALSE; public $extends_recursion = TRUE; public $force_cache = FALSE; public $left_delimiter = '{'; public $right_delimiter = '}'; public $literals = [...]; public $security_class = 'Smarty_Security'; public $security_policy = class Serendipity_Smarty_Security_Policy { ... }; public $php_handling = 0; public $allow_php_templates = FALSE; public $debugging = FALSE; public $debugging_ctrl = 'NONE'; public $smarty_debug_id = 'SMARTY_DEBUG'; public $debug_tpl = NULL; public $error_reporting = 30711; public $config_overwrite = TRUE; public $config_booleanize = TRUE; public $config_read_hidden = FALSE; public $compile_locking = TRUE; public $cache_locking = FALSE; public $locking_timeout = 10; public $default_resource_type = 'file'; public $caching_type = 'file'; public $default_config_type = 'file'; public $cache_modified_check = FALSE; public $registered_plugins = [...]; public $registered_objects = [...]; public $registered_classes = [...]; public $registered_filters = [...]; public $registered_resources = [...]; public $registered_cache_resources = [...]; public $autoload_filters = [...]; public $default_modifiers = [...]; public $escape_html = FALSE; public $start_time = 1726578055.0919; public $_current_file = NULL; public $_parserdebug = FALSE; public $_debug = NULL; protected $template_dir = [...]; protected $_processedTemplateDir = [...]; protected $config_dir = [...]; protected $_processedConfigDir = [...]; protected $compile_dir = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates_c/'; protected $plugins_dir = [...]; protected $cache_dir = './cache/'; protected $obsoleteProperties = [...]; protected $accessMap = [...]; public $security_settings = FALSE }; public $config_vars = []; public $ext = class Smarty_Internal_Extension_Handler { public $objType = 2; private $_property_info = [...]; private $resolvedProperties = [...] }; public $cache_id = NULL; public $compile_id = 'clean-blog'; public $caching = 0; public $compile_check = 1; public $cache_lifetime = 3600; public $tplFunctions = []; public $_cache = []; public $smarty = class Serendipity_Smarty { public $_objType = 1; public $template_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Template'; public $tpl_vars = [...]; public $parent = NULL; public $config_vars = [...]; public $ext = class Smarty_Internal_Extension_Handler { ... }; public $cache_id = NULL; public $compile_id = 'clean-blog'; public $caching = 0; public $compile_check = TRUE; public $cache_lifetime = 3600; public $tplFunctions = [...]; public $_cache = [...]; public $auto_literal = TRUE; public $error_unassigned = FALSE; public $use_include_path = FALSE; public $_templateDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_joined_template_dir = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/#/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/2k11/#/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/2k11/#/disk/service/web/home/blog/plugins/#/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/default/'; public $_configDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_joined_config_dir = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/'; public $default_template_handler_func = NULL; public $default_config_handler_func = NULL; public $default_plugin_handler_func = NULL; public $_compileDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_pluginsDirNormalized = FALSE; public $_cacheDirNormalized = FALSE; public $force_compile = FALSE; public $use_sub_dirs = TRUE; public $allow_ambiguous_resources = FALSE; public $merge_compiled_includes = FALSE; public $extends_recursion = TRUE; public $force_cache = FALSE; public $left_delimiter = '{'; public $right_delimiter = '}'; public $literals = [...]; public $security_class = 'Smarty_Security'; public $security_policy = class Serendipity_Smarty_Security_Policy { ... }; public $php_handling = 0; public $allow_php_templates = FALSE; public $debugging = FALSE; public $debugging_ctrl = 'NONE'; public $smarty_debug_id = 'SMARTY_DEBUG'; public $debug_tpl = NULL; public $error_reporting = 30711; public $config_overwrite = TRUE; public $config_booleanize = TRUE; public $config_read_hidden = FALSE; public $compile_locking = TRUE; public $cache_locking = FALSE; public $locking_timeout = 10; public $default_resource_type = 'file'; public $caching_type = 'file'; public $default_config_type = 'file'; public $cache_modified_check = FALSE; public $registered_plugins = [...]; public $registered_objects = [...]; public $registered_classes = [...]; public $registered_filters = [...]; public $registered_resources = [...]; public $registered_cache_resources = [...]; public $autoload_filters = [...]; public $default_modifiers = [...]; public $escape_html = FALSE; public $start_time = 1726578055.0919; public $_current_file = NULL; public $_parserdebug = FALSE; public $_debug = NULL; protected $template_dir = [...]; protected $_processedTemplateDir = [...]; protected $config_dir = [...]; protected $_processedConfigDir = [...]; protected $compile_dir = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates_c/'; protected $plugins_dir = [...]; protected $cache_dir = './cache/'; protected $obsoleteProperties = [...]; protected $accessMap = [...]; public $security_settings = FALSE }; public $source = class Smarty_Template_Source { public $uid = 'e367e7a3b64f5c3ae0389c9b8b63157dbbe9cfdb'; public $resource = 'file:/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/entries.tpl'; public $type = 'file'; public $name = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/entries.tpl'; public $filepath = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/entries.tpl'; public $timestamp = 1668954007; public $exists = TRUE; public $basename = NULL; public $components = NULL; public $handler = class Smarty_Internal_Resource_File { ... }; public $smarty = class Serendipity_Smarty { ... }; public $isConfig = FALSE; public $content = NULL; public $compiler_class = 'Smarty_Internal_SmartyTemplateCompiler'; public $template_lexer_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Templatelexer'; public $template_parser_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Templateparser' }; public $inheritance = NULL; public $template_resource = 'file:/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates/clean-blog/entries.tpl'; public $mustCompile = FALSE; public $templateId = 'f5f92184c6214909fdcc1c1e0640e52321ef9169'; public $scope = 0; public $isRenderingCache = FALSE; public $startRenderCallbacks = [0 => [...]]; public $endRenderCallbacks = [0 => [...]]; public $compiled = class Smarty_Template_Compiled { public $filepath = '/disk/service/web/home/blog/templates_c/clean_blog/e3/67/e7/e367e7a3b64f5c3ae0389c9b8b63157dbbe9cfdb_0.file.entries.tpl.php'; public $timestamp = 1679082597; public $exists = TRUE; public $compile_id = NULL; public $processed = TRUE; public $unifunc = 'content_6414c464f160f6_62653639'; public $has_nocache_code = FALSE; public $file_dependency = [...]; public $content = NULL; public $includes = [...]; public $isCache = FALSE; public $nocache_hash = NULL } } ).../smarty_template_resource_base.php:123



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